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Things I Wish I Knew Before Marriage

They say marriage is a roller-coaster and it’s important for singles and engaged couples to ask lots of questions from married folks before taking marital vows. However, I feel each marriage is peculiar; no matter how much you know about it, it is better experienced. After all, the taste of the pudding is in the …

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How to Make a Man Respect You Without Struggle

Respect and love are intertwined. When people fall in love, there is meant to be mutual respect for each other, but sometimes, respect is usually earned and not given. Some men may find it easier to love their women than to respect them, especially as society doesn’t require respect from a man to his woman. …

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How to Know If Your Partner Is Not Honest With You

A relationship that is not based on truth is headed for the rocks. Honesty is as important to a relationship as oxygen is important to live. Basically, without honesty, no relationship can survive. And it is a principle of nature that truth will always reveal itself no matter how long it takes. However, it does take …

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How To Know You Are in Love

  Love is a beautiful thing; probably the most beautiful word in human history because it evokes the strongest and most powerful healing. But unfortunately, love is also the most misused word ever. A lot of times, we confuse feelings like lust, obsession, and infatuation for love. The worst part is that even some traits that …

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