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7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

Who is a strong woman? A female boxer? Or a female wrestler? I think this phrase is one that is used very often in this age. The idea of a “strong woman” has become a celebrated ideal. However, strong women are not necessarily women who have a strong muscular build. They are women who are …

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10 Signs He Will Never Cheat Again

Cheating is one of the most painful betrayals a relationship can endure. It leaves scars, raises doubts, and often seems impossible to move past. But what if you could tell whether your partner genuinely regrets his actions and is committed to never cheating again? The truth is that cheating doesn’t have to be the end …

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Never Marry a Man Who Has These 6 Habits

The thing about marriages, especially in this part of the world, is that women are the ones who are the most obsessed with getting married.  And you can’t exactly blame them.  An average woman does not want to have children outside marriage, so she must be married before she bears children.  And there’s the issue …

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14 Relevant Questions to Ask Your Long-Distance Lover

Long-distance relationships can be very tough, but they can also be incredibly rewarding. When two people are separated by distance, it can be challenging to maintain the same level of connection and intimacy as when they are physically together. However, with effort and communication, long-distance relationships can thrive and even strengthen the bond between partners. …

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6 Kinds of Cheating Most People Don’t Know About

When we hear the word “cheating,” the first thing that often comes to mind is infidelity in a romantic relationship. You can’t blame us—that’s the most used form of the word. But is that all that cheating is? I feel like we’ve magnified cheating so much as infidelity so much that we forget that the …

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7 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Strengthen Your Bond

Why is it that women do not ask their men questions? I was in a conversation with my man some time ago, and he looked at me and said, “I’ve never seen a woman ask the kind of intentional question that you do.” It threw me off balance, for real.  Because I thought I was …

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