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Things I Wish I Knew Before Marriage

They say marriage is a roller-coaster and it’s important for singles and engaged couples to ask lots of questions from married folks before taking marital vows. However, I feel each marriage is peculiar; no matter how much you know about it, it is better experienced. After all, the taste of the pudding is in the …

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A to Z of Bible Names for Boys

Parents love to give unique and nice names to their child/children. Despite the fact that civilization has taken over every facet of life, thereby enabling some people to christen their little ones with whatever name comes to mind these days. It is still important for parents to note that the names given to their child may …

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Exotic and Unique Bible Names for Girls and Meanings: A to Z

Parenthood is such a challenging and beautiful journey. Choosing a name for one’s little princess is part of this journey. This is a big decision because she will probably be walking around with her name for the rest of her life. Laura Wattenberg, author of Baby Name Wizard, states that, ´´a child’s name reflects more on …

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