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13 Things I Stopped Doing that Totally Transformed My Life

Sometimes in life, we need to change our attitudes and the way we view the world in other to forge ahead and make headway. I realized that transforming one’s life is not totally dependent on how many motivational talks one listens to, but conscious efforts to reflect on one’s life and make adjustments where necessary. …

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Time-Wasting Activities That Ruin Your Day

“Time waits for no man” We have heard this saying said many times and have probably used it as well to explain how time flies and if we don’t make judicious use of it, we will find ourselves completely behind schedule. It is very easy to say these things really; follow-through is what many of …

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How I Wake Up At 5:30 A.M Everyday Without Feeling Tired

I used to sleep late into the morning … that was my habit and I was fine with it … until I wasn’t. You have probably heard the saying, “you cannot expect any change if you keep doing things the same way.” So, I decided I needed to make a change and wake up early. …

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10 Habits Of Confident Women

I wasn’t the prettiest girl in the room, but I learned to carry myself with confidence – that’s how you make the best impression on people – Priyanka Chopra.  Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities – believing in yourself and in your ability to succeed. Confidence isn’t about feeling superior to others; …

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Ways To Impress A Girl And Make Her Fall In Love

When it comes to impressing a girl you like or have a crush on, little things or gesture really matters. It is not about faking it, or pretending to be who you are not, but about being yourself and doing the slightest thing effortlessly just to win her heart. However, people are different and we …

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Romantic Ways To End A Letter

With the steady advance in technology, handwritten letters are probably going extinct; that is if they have not already gone extinct. But letters are still very much a part of our everyday life; in business, the corporate world, and between friends and family, including lovers. Even sending an electronic letter requires a proper closing and …

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50 Birthday Captions For Girlfriend

Birthdays are special; it is even more special if the people who love us take the time out to send us a birthday shout-out. Before the era of social media, it was usually through organising a party, sending messages/wishes/prayer or gifts. But with social media – for many people – the birthday celebration has to …

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