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Morning Routine For A Romantic Marriage

Do you know having a morning routine can determine how your day will be spent? Imagine having this routine with someone you love. Life becomes more beautiful. It’s no longer new to say that “marriage is hard work”, but the continuous effort of a couple to make each other happy, spice up their marriage will …

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Weekend Habits Of Highly Productive People

I know I want to live a productive life because I mean, being productive is the first step to being successful. If you want to be successful, you want to live each day productively. There are certain habits that productive people live by. In fact, when others hang their boots every Friday, productive people do …

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6 Reasons Sex Is No Longer Fun In Your Marriage

  Sex can become boring in marriages after a while especially when kids start coming and the whirlwind romance stops. But it doesn’t have to be so. As a marriage progresses, your sex life can get better and better, and renewed like new wine. But why is sex no longer fun in your marriage? Here …

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13 Things I Stopped Doing that Totally Transformed My Life

Sometimes in life, we need to change our attitudes and the way we view the world in other to forge ahead and make headway. I realized that transforming one’s life is not totally dependent on how many motivational talks one listens to, but conscious efforts to reflect on one’s life and make adjustments where necessary. …

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Time-Wasting Activities That Ruin Your Day

“Time waits for no man” We have heard this saying said many times and have probably used it as well to explain how time flies and if we don’t make judicious use of it, we will find ourselves completely behind schedule. It is very easy to say these things really; follow-through is what many of …

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