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8 Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

8 Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

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There’s a common phrase in the dating world that is familiar to most women.

It’s usually one of the most confusing experiences: he likes me, but he’s playing it cool.

If you’ve ever dated a guy who won’t make a move or seems to be putting distance between you and him, he probably likes you but…

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

1. He’s always around when you’re around

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

There are certain tell-tale signs that a guy is slowly falling for you.

He’s always around when you’re around, for one thing.

He always seems to be in the same place as you, whether it’s at the coffee shop, at the library, or in your class.

He also goes out of his way to talk to you, even if it’s just small talk.

He might ask you for help with something or strike up a conversation about a shared interest.

He also pays attention to you, which means he remembers things you’ve said and pays attention to your body language.

If a guy is exhibiting all of these behaviors, there’s a good chance he likes you.

2. He talks to you more than he talks to other people

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

If you find yourself wondering why he talks to you more than he talks to other people, there are a few possible explanations.

Maybe he finds you more interesting than the average person.

Or maybe he just enjoys the sound of your voice.

Either way, it’s flattering that he’s chosen you as his favorite conversational partner.

Of course, there could also be a more sinister explanation: maybe he’s trying to get information out of you.

So before you start spillin’ all your secrets, make sure you know what his intentions are.

Otherwise, you might end up regretting being so chatty.

3. He’s always making eye contact when he talks to you

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

He’s always making eye contact when he talks to you.

It’s almost as if he’s trying to establish some sort of deep connection.

When he does this, it means he wants you beyond just the moment.

He is soaking in the moment and fully interested in you and what you’re saying.

You don’t have to figure it out in that moment.

Take your time to get to know what it is about and work it out from there.

4. He’ll touch you lightly on the arm or shoulder when he’s talking to you

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

If you’re wondering whether or not someone is interested in you, there are a few telltale signs to look for.

One of these is whether or not they touch you while they’re talking to you.

If they brush your arm lightly or rest their hand on your shoulder, it’s a good sign that they’re interested.

People often use touch as a way to establish a connection with someone.

So if someone is touching you while they’re talking to you, it means they’re trying to create a bond.

Of course, it’s important to read the situation carefully.

If someone is touching you too much or in an inappropriate way, it’s probably best to steer clear.

But if someone is giving you gentle, consensual touches, it’s a good sign that they’re interested in you.

5. He’ll try to find excuses to spend time with you one-on-one

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

If a guy is interested in you, he’ll try to find excuses to spend time with you one-on-one.

It might be something as simple as asking for help with a project or offering to buy you coffee.

But if he’s constantly finding ways to be alone with you, it’s a pretty good sign that he’s interested.

He might also try to find out if you’re available for lunch or after-work drinks.

If you are, then he’ll probably suggest getting together.

And if you’re not, he might try to persuade you to change your plans.

Either way, it’s clear that he’s interested in spending time with you.

So if you’re wondering whether a guy likes you, pay attention to how often he tries to be alone with you.

It’s a pretty good indicator of his feelings.

6. He laughs at all of your jokes, even the lame ones

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

Everyone loves to be around someone who laughs at their jokes, no matter how terrible they may be.

It’s the best feeling in the world when you make someone laugh so hard that they cry, especially if it’s someone you’re attracted to.

When you’re with someone who always has a smile on their face and who seems to genuinely enjoy your company, it’s easy to let your guard down and be yourself.

So if you’re looking for a partner who will always make you feel loved and accepted, look for someone whose laughter reflects how much they enjoy your company.

7. His body language is open and relaxed around you

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

If you’re wondering whether someone is interested in you, pay attention to their body language.

Relaxed body language usually indicates that a person is comfortable and open with you.

For example, they may sit with their legs uncrossed or their arms at their sides, rather than folded across their chest.

They might also make sustained eye contact, smile frequently, or touch your arm while talking to you.

If someone’s body language is closed off, on the other hand, it could mean that they’re not interested or are feeling nervous.

Watch for cues like crossed arms, turned away from you, or lack of eye contact.

By paying attention to body language, you can get a better sense of how someone is feeling and whether they might be interested in getting to know you better.

8. He texts you first

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

The first time a guy texts you, it’s always exciting.

You wonder if he liked your profile and whether or not he’ll ask for your number.

If you get that first text from him, then congratulations.

You’ve been on someone’s mind enough to make them want to reach out.

The only problem is that most people don’t know how to handle this situation properly.

If a guy likes you, he’ll be the one to send the first text.

If he’s interested in getting to know you better and making plans with you, he will take the initiative and make sure that happens by sending a text.

He won’t wait around for you to text him first or worse yet, ignore your messages.

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

It can be a real challenge to get inside a man’s head.

Remember that sometimes men analyze situations much more than women.

Even if there is a good chance that he likes you, he may be playing it safe or giving himself time to develop feelings.

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