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12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

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Love is the major force that keeps the world together.

It makes the world go round and even your own individual world.

It’s the force that drives one to do crazy things that you’d never imagine doing in 7 lifetimes.

Love is really beautiful and building a relationship with the person that loves you in equal measure is more beautiful.

However, there are certain things that make a man decide he wants to marry you.

I know it is a decision of two people and this is bringing this to your notice if you have decided to marry that man.

It’s not just about looking good in a little black dress, although that doesn’t hurt.


Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

1. Being His Best Friend

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

I was sharing with my husband the other day that it took me being in a relationship with him to understand what it means to marry or date your best friend.

That statement is cliché for a reason.

Men love to marry women who can be their confidant, their biggest cheerleader, and their go-to for a late-night deep talk.

If you can laugh together, cry together, and binge watch “Stranger Things” without arguing over the remote, you’re halfway there.

It is not about who you have been friends with for ages.

It is about being that friend to him.

Can you be his best friend and his lover, all wrapped up in one delightful package?

If your answer is yes, you’re on the right track.

2. Supporting His Dreams

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

What is friendship if you can’t support your person?

Every man has a dream.

It doesn’t matter if it is not similar to what your dream is.

Whether it’s to start a business, climb a mountain, or finally learn how to cook something other than ramen noodles.

He needs the support of his woman.

If you’re in a relationship with him and you support his ambitions and cheer him on, you’re not just a girlfriend; you’re a partner in success.

The fact that you believe in him as much as he believes in you will show him how much he can lean fully in you.

If your dream is to walk down the aisle with him, you must a big believer and his number one cheerleader

Are you ready to be the wind beneath his wings, even if those wings are a bit flappy and unsure?

3. Being Independent

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

Men love a woman who has her own life, her own goals, and her own friends.

Independence is sexy.

It shows that you’re with him because you want to be, not because you need to be.

When you’re confident and self-sufficient, he knows you’ll be a strong, equal partner in marriage.

Can you balance being fiercely independent while sharing your life with someone else?

4. Making Him Laugh

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

Laughter is the best medicine, and it’s also a great way to a man’s heart.

If you can make him laugh until his sides hurt, he’ll associate you with joy and happiness.

A good sense of humor can make the tough times bearable and the good times even better.

Can you be his personal stand-up comedian, ready to bring a smile to his face at a moment’s notice?

5. Being Kind and Compassionate

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

Kindness is underrated but incredibly attractive.

If you show compassion not just to him but to others, like his family, his friends, and even strangers, it will melt his heart.

He’ll see you as someone who will bring warmth and love into his life.

Can you spread kindness and make the world a little brighter, one act at a time?

6. Handling Conflicts Gracefully

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You


No relationship is without its fights.

But it’s not about avoiding conflicts; it’s about handling them with grace.

If you can argue without yelling, find compromises, and forgive without holding grudges, you’re showing him that you’re in it for the long haul.

Can you navigate the stormy seas of conflict and come out stronger on the other side?

7. Being Genuine

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

Authenticity is refreshing.

Men appreciate a woman who is true to herself, who doesn’t put on a facade to impress others. When you’re genuine, he knows what he sees is what he gets, and that’s incredibly comforting.

It’s exhausting to keep up a front, and a real relationship needs real people.

Are you ready to be unapologetically you, quirks and all?

8. Showing Affection

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

Affection doesn’t just mean physical touch, although that’s important too.

It’s about showing you care through little gestures, a thoughtful note, a surprise date, a comforting hug when he’s had a bad day.

When you show affection, you’re building a bond that makes him feel loved and cherished.

Can you show him that you love him in a million little ways every day?

9. Being Trustworthy

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

Trust is the cornerstone that supports the structure of any strong and enduring relationship.

It’s what allows two people to feel safe and secure, knowing that they can rely on each other through thick and thin.

If he realizes that he can trust you with his deepest secrets, his most profound fears, and, most importantly, his heart, he is far more likely to view you as his lifelong partner.

Being consistently reliable and unflinchingly honest transforms you into his steadfast rock the one person he knows will be there for him no matter what challenges life may throw at him.

This reliability creates a bond that is difficult to break.

It builds a profound sense of mutual respect and understanding.

So, the question is, can you be that unwavering anchor in his life, providing stability and support even when the seas of life become tumultuous and unpredictable?

Can you be the embodiment of trust and dependability that every strong relationship needs to thrive?


10. Having Shared Values

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

At the end of the day, the importance of having shared values and life goals in a relationship can’t be talked about enough.

When both partners want the same things out of life, whether it’s starting a family, travelling the world, or just settling down in a cozy home, everything seems more doable and exciting.

This agreement on the big stuff doesn’t just pull you closer it’s the glue that keeps you together through all the ups and downs.

Sharing common goals and dreams makes tackling life’s hurdles a bit easier, giving you both a direction you’re genuinely excited about.

It’s really worth asking yourselves: Do you and your partner have the same picture of the future?

Figuring this out can be the secret sauce to a lasting and happy partnership.


11. Nurturing His Inner Child

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

Every man harbours an inner child who yearns to play, be silly, and momentarily escape the often overwhelming pressures of adult life.

This part of him craves the simplicity and joy of youth, where the biggest concerns were the adventures that awaited, not the responsibilities that weigh him down now.

If you can tap into this aspect of his personality and encourage him to let loose, to embrace the spontaneity and fun of his younger years, he’ll start to view you not just as a significant other but as a sanctuary from the mundane.

Show him that with you, he can find an oasis of happiness in a desert of obligations.

Be his partner in crime in the truest sense whether it’s building an elaborate pillow fort that takes over the living room, engaging in a spirited session of video games, or even chasing each other around the park.

These activities might seem small, but they hold the power to unlock his heart and remind him of a time when joy was easy to come by.

Can you help him rekindle the flames of his inner child and create moments of pure, unadulterated joy together?

It’s about offering him a hand to step back into a world where imagination and play reign supreme, a world where he can be free from judgment and just be.


12. Being His Safe Haven

12 Common Things That Make a Man Marry You

Life’s a rollercoaster, full of highs and lows, and we all need a spot where we feel safe, loved, and totally understood.

If you can be that special sanctuary for him, a place where he can drop his guard and show his true self without the fear of being judged, he’ll treasure having you around and want to keep you close forever.

Being his safe haven isn’t just about being there in person; it’s about lending an ear and being ready to listen to his deepest fears and biggest dreams without holding back.

It’s about giving him a hug that makes all his worries vanish and creating a space where he feels free to be himself without any judgement.

It’s about being his peace when everything else is chaos, the light when things get dark, the one thing that doesn’t change when everything else does.

Can you be that rock for him, the soft place for him to fall when things get tough?

Can you be his peace, the safe spot he can always come back to, no matter how wild things get outside?

Building that kind of bond takes patience, understanding, and an open heart, but the connection you’ll share is priceless and will last forever.



Marrying someone isn’t just about love; it’s about partnership, support, and shared dreams.

It’s about being each other’s best friend, confidante, and cheerleader.

If you can make him laugh, support his dreams, and be his safe haven, you’re already halfway to the altar.

Remember, it’s not about being perfect; it’s about being perfectly imperfect together.

So, go ahead, be yourself, spread joy, and watch as he falls head over heels, ready to say, “I do.”