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6 Reasons Why A Man Can Love You And Still Cheat

Discovering your husband’s cheating can hit you like a blow in the belly button – leaving you devastated and hurt. It’s a tough situation, making you wonder if he’s fallen out of love with you and into love with someone else. The question lingers: why would he leave you for another? It’s a complex issue, …

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8 Reasons Men Don’t Feel Guilty For Cheating On Their Wives

Cheating is a major trust breaker for people not in an open relationship. It is something no one should ever think about doing. It’s not only because the cheater is breaking the rules but also because it messes with someone’s emotions in a really messed-up way. A woman doesn’t deserve to go through that kind …

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How To Be Friends With Someone You’re In Love With

You know, I’ve been preaching this for ages, the heart is like the wild child of the body, totally unpredictable. It’s almost like it’s got a mind of its own, pulling you in unexpected directions. As it happens to us all, you’re cruising through life, and suddenly… You find yourself falling deeply in love with …

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6 Sure Tips And Tricks To Make Your Man Feel Powerful

I reckon our society’s put some unfair labels on men lately. We’re seeing more guys getting labeled as sissy because masculinity has been linked to being toxic. My mom used to tell me not to hop on the bandwagon of women who, in the name of feminism, make their husbands feel useless. She’d call them …

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How To Deal With Disrespect In A Relationship

There is no perfect relationship anywhere, except you don’t want to be realistic with yourself. But you know what’s a big deal in relationships? Respect. Love brings respect to relationships naturally. However, it’s not a one-time thing. You have to keep watering and nurturing it like a plant. When respect hangs out, trust, safety, and …

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8 Things A Woman Should Never Do After A Breakup

After a breakup, there’s this inevitable breakdown phase that follows. Your world gets shattered in all directions; it’s messy. Breakups are no easy phase in the walk of life. They hit like a punch to the heart. Just like any wound, it brings pain and agony and the confusion of figuring out how to start …

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How To Get An Emotionally Unavailable Man To Commit

Being with an emotionally unavailable guy? It’s tough sometimes, right? I mean, understanding what they’re after is like decoding ancient signs. One day they’re all hot, then the next, they’ve got an emotional ice fortress around them. They’ll shower you with love, and suddenly, poof! It’s gone. Predicting their moves is mission impossible. Honestly, this …

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5 Possible Reasons A Guy Invites You To His House On The First Date

The world we used to know has changed, and we’re bombarded with news every day—mostly the not-so-great news. The good news doesn’t always get the spotlight. That’s why you are wondering why a guy would invite you to his place on the first date. Sure, we’ve heard the cautionary tales, but it’s not always doom …

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I’ve always been straight up with people on this. Dating a married guy is like playing with fire, it will burn, and it will hurt. No matter what excuse you’ve got in your bag, trust me, it will end in tears. Now, imagine adding some workplace drama to that. Dating a married man who also …