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My Girlfriend Likes To Party All The Time (And What To Do About It)

My Girlfriend Likes To Party All The Time (And What To Do About It)

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How to deal when your girlfriend likes to party all the time?

“She was the life of the party.

Whenever we would go out, she would be the one dancing in the bar, surrounded by a group of adoring fans.

She always had a drink in her hand and she was always surrounded by people.

I was attracted to her energy and her carefree attitude.

I thought she was fun.

I didn’t realize that her partying ways would eventually become a problem.

We started dating and things were great at first.

I loved how she was always up for anything and how she was always the life of the party.

But after a while, I realized that her partying ways were starting to take a toll on our relationship.

She would often come home drunk and she would sometimes disappear for days at a time without any explanation.

I tried to talk to her about it, but she would always brush me off and tell me that I was being too uptight.”

Does the above sound like what you’re currently going through?

Let’s run through the emotions together and find a lasting solution to it.

It can be tough when your partner is a party animal and you’re not.

You may feel left out like you’re not good enough for them, or like they’re choosing their friends over you.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

There are ways to deal when your partner likes to party all the time and you don’t.

Here are a few tips:

My Girlfriend Likes To Party All The Time (And What To Do About It)


1. Find things to do on your own.

My Girlfriend Likes To Party All The Time

Just because your girlfriend likes to party all the time doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun too.

There are tons of things that you can do on your own or with friends that don’t involve alcohol or being in a crowded room full of people.

Go see a movie, take a hike, play video games—whatever floats your boat.

You don’t need Alcohol or a big group of people to have fun; sometimes the best times are had when it’s just you and a close friend enjoying each other’s company.

So go out there and find some things that you enjoy doing.


2. Talk to your partner about your concerns.

My Girlfriend Likes To Party All The Time

It’s important to communicate with each other about your expectations and needs.

If you’re not comfortable with her partying ways, let her know.

Tell her how you feel and why you’re not okay with it.


3. Set boundaries.

If your girlfriend is unwilling to change her ways, then you may need to set some boundaries.

Let her know what you’re comfortable with and what you’re not.

If she is not willing to respect your boundaries, then you may need to rethink the relationship.


4. Find your own hobbies and interests.

Just because your girlfriend likes to party all the time doesn’t mean you have to as well.

Find things that you enjoy doing and make sure to schedule time for them into your week.

This will help you to stay balanced and to not feel left out while she is away.


5. Talk to your friends.

If you’re feeling isolated or like you’re the only one who doesn’t party, talk to your friends.

They may be feeling the same way and it can be helpful to talk about it with someone who understands.

You don’t have to figure it out on your own.

Talking helps.


6. Seek counseling.

If you’re having trouble communicating with your partner or setting boundaries, seek out counseling.

A counselor can help you to better understand your needs and how to communicate them to your girlfriend.

Sometimes, all it takes is for you to see through an external party’s eyes.


7. Try to find a compromise that works for both of you.

If your girlfriend is unwilling to change their ways, then you may need to find a common ground.

Do things that both of you find interesting and enjoy it while at it.

That you don’t enjoy partying should not limit you from enjoying other things with your girlfriend.


8. Focus on the positive aspects of your relationship.

It can be easy to get caught up in the negative when your girlfriend is a party animal.

But try to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship as well.

What do you love about her?

What are the things that drew you to them in the first place?

What makes you happy about her?

Don’t forget why it all started.

Bask in these and make yourself enjoy it while she still does them and do let one negative cloud the 99 other positives.


9. Talk about your expectations and needs.

My Girlfriend Likes To Party All The Time

It’s important to communicate with each other about your expectations and needs.

If you’re not comfortable with her partying ways, let her know.

Tell her how you feel and why you’re not okay with it.

While you find a solution to it.


10. Make sure you’re still spending quality time together.

My Girlfriend Likes To Party All The Time

That your girlfriend likes to party does not mean you cannot have quality time spent together.

It’s impossible for her to be at the party 7 days a week or all year long.

While you’re together, make the most of the time and really enjoy the moment.

Spending quality time with her can improve the overall quality of your relationship.


11. Join a club or group that meets regularly.

If your girlfriend is always going out and having fun without you, take matters into your own hands by joining a club or group that meets regularly.

That way, you’ll always have something to do on Friday nights (or any other night) and you won’t be sitting at home feeling left out and lonely.

Not only will this give you something to do, but it will also help build your social network—something that can come in handy down the road.

My Girlfriend Likes To Party All The Time

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If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your girlfriend’s partying ways, talk to her about how you feel.

Communication is key in any relationship, but it’s especially important when there’s a disagreement about something.

Sit down with her and explain how her constant partying makes you feel.

Chances are, she probably has no idea that her behavior was affecting you in such a negative way.

Once she understands how you feel, she may be more considerate of your needs and make an effort to spend more time with you.