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6 Habits Men Adopt When They Are Trying to Woo a Woman

6 Habits Men Adopt When They Are Trying to Woo a Woman

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A man can decide to customize his life—his daily habits and routines—to fit the lifestyle of the woman he is trying to woo. 

And although some people think it is just a set-up to gain the woman’s heart, I personally think it is a sign of intentionality and commitment. 

Winning a woman’s heart is one thing; keeping it is another.

A man who puts in so much intentionality into winning the heart of his woman should be able to put in twice as much into keeping that heart and the relationship going. 

Sometimes, this transformation in his daily routine is just a rearrangement of his normal lifestyle to suit hers. 

Other times, he might need to introduce new things to his life—things that are of interest to her—and find interest in them, too. 

These small but significant changes reflect his desire to impress and connect with her on a deeper level. 

Let’s consider some of these things men like to incorporate into their daily routine when they are trying to woo a woman. 

6 Habits Men Adopt When They Are Trying to Woo a Woman

1. Grooming and Appearance

6 Daily Habits Men Adopt When They Are Trying to Woo a Woman

I was having a conversation with a man once, and I told him that I tend to notice everything about the physical appearance of a man who is wooing me. 

From the neatness of his clothes to how well-groomed his nails and hair are and how he smells. 

And the man I was speaking to was asking how I notice all that in one meeting. 

I don’t know why it should be so difficult. 

But because I pay attention to these things, I believe that quite a number of other women do, too. 

And some men are quite aware. 

So one of the first things they would want to focus on when they’re trying to woo a woman is their grooming and appearance. 

If you watch closely, you’ll notice that he begins to pay extra attention to his personal hygiene. 

Regular showers, neatly trimmed hair, and a fresh shave or well-groomed beard become part of his routine. 

All in the hope of looking his best and increasing his confidence. 

If he wants to go the extra mile, he might decide to change his wardrobe and add a cologne to the pack. 


2. Communication and Behavior

6 Daily Habits Men Adopt When They Are Trying to Woo a Woman

Another thing a man who is wooing a woman will pay attention to is his communication pattern. 

If he is wooing a woman who has any level of class at all, he knows that he cannot appear before her if he’s someone who talks anyhow. 

Women do not like men who talk without a filter. 

They like men who are respectful and responsible with words. 

So he will make a conscious effort to speak politely using the magic words “please” and “thank you” and show respect for her opinions and feelings.

And communication doesn’t just end with speaking. 

How we listen is very important, too. 

Take a woman on a date and go on blabbing and blabbing without giving her an opportunity to express herself, then watch to see if she will hang out with you again. 

So, beyond speaking respectfully, a serious-minded man knows to pay attention to what his woman is saying and engage in conversations with her. 

Listening is like a two-edged sword: it makes her feel special and valued and gives him the opportunity to understand her better.


3. Common Interests and Activities

6 Daily Habits Men Adopt When They Are Trying to Woo a Woman

One of the highlights of being in a relationship is doing a lot of things together with your partner. 

I don’t know what a relationship will be like if both partners share nothing in common and have nothing they both enjoy doing. 

Because what will they be doing in the relationship?

Two cannot walk together if they are not in agreement. 

Finding and sharing common interests is always a game-changer, especially for a man who is seeking to get into a relationship with a woman. 

He will go out of his way to discover the kinds of things she enjoys and major in the ones that resonate with his hobbies. 

And he might even decide to take up a new activity just to share the experience with her. Another way to enjoy time and activities together is through dates. 

If he is serious about getting this woman, he will plan the date in a way that suits her interests, just to make sure that she enjoys herself while she is out with him. 


4. Being Supportive and Considerate

6 Daily Habits Men Adopt When They Are Trying to Woo a Woman

Nobody was made with the special ability to do this life by themselves. 

And one of the major reasons people get into relationships is to have a personal support system.

A place where they know they will always find support and grace whenever their chips are down. 

So if a man is supportive and considerate, it won’t be too much work for him to get his woman. 

Of course, he will always look for opportunities to help and be supportive. 

At the very least, he’ll perform acts of chivalry to show that he is ready to go the extra mile to make her life easier. 

He also finds opportunities to make adjustments and compromises so that she can have what she wants. 

When a woman sees her man’s willingness to support her and to put her needs before his, she swoons and is completely interested in him. 


5. Social Media and Digital Presence

6 Daily Habits Men Adopt When They Are Trying to Woo a Woman

Following the things I’ve seen on social media these days, I’ve made it a duty to myself to look at the social media handles of any man who is showing interest in me.

I know many people argue that they live lives that are different from what they project on social media.

But I know for sure that people post things out of the abundance of their hearts. 

Moving away from their personal posts, I also try to pay attention to how they interact with other people’s posts and the opinions they have about certain things. 

You can tell a lot about a person by following their lives on social media, and that is why a man who is trying to woo a woman tries as much as he can to maintain a good online presence in order to make a good impression. 

He also watches who she follows and her interests on the social media space to help him create mutual interests. 

He’ll also work hard to text her as often as possible to keep the communication line going.


6. Building a Strong Friendship

6 Daily Habits Men Adopt When They Are Trying to Woo a Woman

The best relationships are those that are borne from friendships. 

When people say “marry your friend,” they are not necessarily saying that you should pick one of your friends to marry. 

They are saying that you should marry someone you can befriend.

Aside from romance and all, you can actually share friendship with this person in the long term. 

Building a solid friendship is a basic habit. 

A man who is serious about wooing a woman will focus on being a good friend first. 

And by being a good friend, it means he can be reliable, trustworthy, and fun to be around. 

It is easier to develop a deeper, romantic relationship when friendship is at its core. 



These daily habits men adopt when trying to woo a woman usually reflect their sincere intentions and desire to build a meaningful and long-lasting connection. 

The fact that they have to do a study of your life to know what to do and what not to do doesn’t mean his intentions are insincere. 

Rather, it shows his willingness to keep you comfortable even while walking together with him in a relationship. 

It is left for you to decide whether or not you want to be with him.