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5 Things He Does When He Is in Love with You

5 Things He Does When He Is in Love with You

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I think one of the most sensible memes going around in circulation today is the one that says, “date who is dating you.” “Fall in love with who is in love with you.”

Because it is such a pity that a lot of people are who are in a relationship today are dating themselves.

A lot of people are in love with people who do not care about them.

I think this why the rate of people suffering mental health challenges is increasing every day.

Because who would not become depressed realizing after a long period of dating someone that they were dating themselves all the while?

All the time and resources invested gone.

And love is something that makes people make life changing decisions without thinking about it twice.

And if people are not careful, they can easily lose themselves while in love.

A lot of people come out of their relationships not knowing what they are anymore.

It is a pathetic condition to be in.

And that is why we have put this article together for women – our little quota to your mental health.

Is the man who you love so fiercely in love with you?

5 Things He Does When He Is in Love with You

1. He Listens Intently

5 Things He Does When He Is in Love with You

One of my favorite things about my man is how he hears me.

I’ve had to struggle with some mental health challenges that make me lose memory of things quite often.

So, many times, I don’t remember what it is I talked about.

But I’m super glad that I have a man who listens to me and remembers every detail of our conversation.

It has saved me a lot of unnecessary trouble that I would have had to deal with because I couldn’t remember something.

And more times than not, the fact that he actually listens to me and hears me reassures me of the fact that he really does love me.

One of the first signs that a man is in love is how closely he listens to you.

It doesn’t matter what it is you are talking about, or whether you want him to listen as long as it is you talking, he is available to listen.

And the fact that he remembers the tiniest of details when the situation arises.

It shows that he is committed to you.

2. He Makes Time for You

5 Things He Does When He Is in Love with You

I’m not sure we’ve had any generation of people who were not always busy with tight schedules.

And we’ve also had in every generation people who have truly loved and created time in their busy schedule for the ones they love.

But there’s something about this generation: people have found themselves more engrossed in a virtual world that they barely have real time for the ones they love.

We’re doing just as much as people in other generations, but the fact that we have our mobile devices and so many activities in there, having time for the ones we love requires extra intentionality and effort.

But I’m quite certain about one thing.

A man who is in love with you won’t struggle to fit you in his schedule.

As far as he is concerned, you own his time, and he makes time for every other thing.

He makes you and his relationship with you a priority so that even when he does not have time for any other thing, he’ll still have time for you.

3. He Shows Affection Publicly and Privately

5 Things He Does When He Is in Love with You

I have a friend who has been in a series of toxic relationships.

And you know how being in toxic relationships distorts your idea of what is real or what real love should look like.

So she’s currently dating a guy who is head-over-heels in love with her and treats her just right.

And I remember when she came to me at the beginning of the relationship to express her fear of going into yet another toxic relationship, this was the first sign I used to reassure her that her man was truly in love with her.

I especially like the fact that he flaunts her with no shame, and he shows her affection whether they are in a public or private space.

As long as he’s with her, he does not withhold his affection.

Someone said he is “marking territory.”

You cannot possibly see them together and not know they are together.

This is a sign that everyone can see, and my friend’s man ensures that we all see that he is in love with her.

4. He Supports Your Goals and Dreams

5 Things He Does When He Is in Love with You

Another thing I really do appreciate about my man is how he supports my goals and aspirations.

Since we got together, he’s been actively present in every stage of my growth.

By the time I attain one height, he is the one standing by to ask me what I have mapped out for the new season.

And he holds my hands firmly through the way.

I should mention that I am someone who is not very disciplined.

But my man has been my schedule app, reminder, and alarm clock.

I don’t have to worry about not finishing up on a journey because I know that my man will hold me through it.

And away from making sure that I walk through my dreams and goals, he is also my number one cheerleader.

If I do not have any other reason to win, I would win just to get a chance to see his joy face over and over again.

It is one of the most beautiful things in my life.

And as much as I love to win, I’m not afraid to lose.

He keeps me encouraged when I feel like I am not good or worthy enough to achieve something.

5. He Makes You Feel Safe

5 Things He Does When He Is in Love with You

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, yeah.

But if you ask me, I’ll tell you that being able to feel safe and secure in your relationship is one of the best things ever.

Because it means that you are also enjoying peace and happiness.

You’re not running Helter-skelter trying to keep your relationship safe and you’re not also panicking that something might go wrong in your relationship.

It’s just you, your man, and the peace you live in.

I think it is a legit sign that your man really loves you.

Because a man who loves you will go out of his way to make sure you feel protected, both physically and emotionally.

He is standing by your side during tough times and offers you a shoulder to lean on when you need it most.

And it is not just the physical safety.

You’re in a place where you feel comfortable being yourself, sharing your vulnerabilities, and knowing that he’ll support you without judgment.


Love is supposed to be a very beautiful journey.

And everyone deserves to experience it so.

When you experience love as it ought to be, it completes you and makes you whole.

It is a plus in your life and you would be very grateful that you have had the opportunity to experience true love.

And that is why it is important that you are able to recognize these signs to help you understand your man’s feelings more clearly.

It is true that every relationship is unique, and people express love in different ways.

But no matter how your man expresses his love to you, the signs we have listed should be present if he truly is in love with you.

We live once, and life is too short to waste it on what is not helpful or profitable to your life and health.