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15 Signs You Are in a Healthy Relationship and Don’t Even Know It

Ever feel like you’re wandering through a maze when it comes to relationships? Sometimes, it’s like you’re so focused on dodging that mythical image that you don’t even notice you’re actually walking through a pretty amazing garden. Ever had that moment of realization?  Let me share a little story. I remember this one time I …

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10 Tips to Ignite Hot Intimacy in Your Marriage

Whoever invented the roller coaster must be a married person because, Although marriage is a beautiful journey, let’s be real; it can sometimes feel like a roller coaster. And just like a roller coaster, sometimes the thrill can fade, especially when it comes to intimacy. If you’re finding that the spark in your marriage has …

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12 Simple Ways to Be a Better And Happier Wife In Your Marriage

Have you ever wondered if you are enough for your husband? Even if you have never thought of that, how about thinking of how to improve things in your marriage? No marriage is perfect, and that is why there is always room for improvement. As a wife who wants to be progressive in her marriage, …

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11 Obvious Signs of a Weak Husband

Marriage is a journey marked by commitment, understanding, and mutual support, demanding equal contributions from both partners. Yet, there may be times when your husband appears to fall short in some respects. it can be frustrating and disheartening to know this. You sometimes can not pinpoint what exactly is wrong but you just know things …

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10 Signs You Deserve More in Your Relationship

Relationships are meant to bring joy, support, and companionship. However, there are times when you might feel undervalued or unappreciated. This might be a result of the many challenges and conflicts that arise in any relationship. Sometimes, it can be tough to recognize when you deserve more from your relationship. Let’s dive into ten signs …

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5 Times Men Put Their Ego Aside for a Woman They Love

If you know men, you will know that they are the owners of ego.  The ego is theirs.  They don’t toy with their ego for anything.  An average man protects his ego more than any other thing.  And you know how their egos work: they can push themselves beyond their limitations to achieve great things.  …

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7 Uncomfortable Signs You’ve Finally Met a Good Woman

It is always exciting to meet a new woman.  I mean, all those butterflies in your belly and unending hours of conversations.  Plus, you may be meeting someone entirely different from every other woman you have met.  Women have different lifestyles that can be traced to their upbringing, the knowledge and relationships they have gained …

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9 Powerful Communication Strategies to Improve Your Relationship

Relationships, like gardens, require care, attention, and the right tools to thrive.  Just like how a garden needs water, sunlight, and fertilizer to flourish, relationships need love, communication, and understanding to grow strong. However, sometimes, even with our best efforts, weeds can begin to sprout in the form of misunderstandings or arguments. One of the …

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10 Signs He Is Fed Up in Your Marriage

Although the marriage journey is sweet, it has its fair share of bumps and curves. It is not always a smooth ride, but the beauty of it lies in overcoming those challenges and growing together as a couple. Marriage requires constant work and effort from both parties to make it last. Sometimes big enough to …

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