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7 Ways to Make Him Miss You Without Overdoing It

7 Ways to Make Him Miss You Without Overdoing It

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Are you a “please don’t go” kind of partner?

Or you’re the “finally, she’s gone” kind?

For real, some of your men actually say, “Good riddance to bad rubbish” when you people are on their way.

Okay. I think that’s a bit extreme.

But does your man miss you?

Or is he grateful for every opportunity he has to be away from you?

Giving your partner attention does not mean you should choke them with attention until they do not even have the time to miss you.

The fact that your partner misses you is a sign that they value your presence and appreciate the time you spend together.

But how can even make your partner miss you without making it look like you desperately need him to miss you?

Let’s see

7 Ways to Make Him Miss You Without Overdoing It

1. Maintain Your Independence



7 Ways to Make Him Miss You Without Overdoing It

Relationships have moved from the days when one would expect a woman to be 100% dependent on her man.

Her entire daily life revolves around her man and the relationship.

Completely financially dependent on him as women were not exactly allowed to work.

The world has long moved from that place.

Now, with the move for gender equality and a more inclusive society for women, a lot of men now love and appreciate women who can maintain their independence in a relationship.

If you want your man to kiss you and long for you, you cannot always be in his face.

Show him that you have a life outside of the relationship.

Do other things—pursue your goals and visions, engage in hobbies, spend time with friends and family, and do other things that do not necessarily involve him.

This will make you a more interesting person and also give him the chance to miss your presence and the unique energy you bring into his life.


2. Limit Communication

7 Ways to Make Him Miss You Without Overdoing It

Some people are so obsessed with their partners that they do not talk to anyone else.

It is a very good thing that communication is great in your relationship, but if you don’t have the chance to talk to your partner for a day or two, will you have a life?

There’s a way you spend time talking with one person so much that they begin to find you boring or consider you bother.

When you keep texting and calling your man every other minute, it somehow makes you look like you’re overly dependent on him.

You should also give him the space and opportunity to be the one to reach out to you.

If you initiate conversations all the time, take a breath and let him take the lead sometimes.

This will make him appreciate your interactions more when they do happen and wonder what you’re up to when you’re not in touch.


3. Be Your Best Self

7 Ways to Make Him Miss You Without Overdoing It

Continuous improvement is something everyone should invest in.

You see, pleasure is very fleeting in humans.

Someone may find you pleasing today and lose interest tomorrow.

The human mind loves innovation and novelty.

The more it is exposed to one thing, the more it tires of it.

So, if you want to keep your man continually excited about you, you must continually improve yourself.

You are currently not the best version of yourself.

You may be doing very well right now, but you can become even better.

Most humans do not reach their full potential in life because they feel like they have reached the best they can be at a very early stage in their lives.

If only they try a bit more to see that actually do more.

While you’re investing in your relationship, also invest in your physical and mental well-being.

Invest in your career and professional growth.

Learn new skills and upgrade your old skills.

The better you are, the more confident and happy you’ll be.

Confidence is one very attractive virtue that can make him miss your positive presence when you’re not around.


4. Create Memorable Experiences

7 Ways to Make Him Miss You Without Overdoing It

When you spend time and hang out with your man, what do you do?

Do you continually repeat a pattern of activities or do you bring in new innovative ideas whenever you both are together?

You don’t want to bore your man and make him tired of spending time with you.

If it is usually business as usual whenever you meet, he will soon begin to find excuses not to spend time with you.

It is not anything personal, his mind just craves excitement.

And I can almost read your mind asking why he doesn’t bring in the innovation if he so badly wants it.

How long will he be the one to initiate the innovation?

And if you are a boring person, no matter what innovative ideas he brings, it won’t yield results.

And you’re the one who wants him to miss you.

So you must be able to create memories with him that will stay in his mind and make him long for more.

Innovative and novel ideas that he can’t exactly replicate with anyone else.


5. Keep the Spark Alive

7 Ways to Make Him Miss You Without Overdoing It

Do you actually put effort into keeping the spark in your relationship alive?

I saw a short video clip where a little baby slapped the flame of a candle and it went off.

That’s what some of us unconsciously do with the spark in our relationship.

We literally slap it off.

I’m using “we”, but I’m not on this list, please.

But you need to take responsibility for keeping the spark in your relationship alive.

Surprise him with little gestures that show you care – a sweet note, his favourite snack, or taking him out on a date.

Just commit yourself to doing very thoughtful things that can keep the romance in your relationship alive and make him miss the small ways you show your love and appreciation.


6. Build Anticipation

7 Ways to Make Him Miss You Without Overdoing It

Sometimes, the anticipation of seeing someone can be just as exciting as the actual meeting.

Especially for someone who you’ve not seen in a while.

Plan exciting things to do with him when you both meet and let him know.

It’s not that you’re planning to meet up. When he asks you what you want to do together, you say, “Anything you want.”

Only this response can make him lose interest in the meeting.

Show excitement, make exciting plans and keep him on his toes.

You can also add an element of mystery to the mix.

You’re not telling him everything; just give him a little hint and let him wait to see it.

He’ll be missing you before you even meet up.


7. Don’t Play Games

7 Ways to Make Him Miss You Without Overdoing It

While you are trying to achieve a lifestyle where your man actually does miss you in your absence, there are some things you must note:

First of all, you don’t want to play mind games with him.

Giving him space does not mean that you should be unavailable or ignore his messages deliberately.

Be there when he actually needs you.

But he doesn’t always need you, so you still have the time to breathe and let him breathe.

If you create that bad habit of not being there when he needs you, he will soon stop needing you altogether.

You should be able to maintain your reliability even while trying to create space between you and your man.


The idea of making your man miss you is primarily about creating a healthy relationship where both partners feel valued and appreciated.

It is not for show.

So if you are with a special needs partner who needs you to almost always be with him, you have no business looking for a way for him to miss you.

Whatever you want to do in your relationship, always consider the dynamics of your relationship before making a decision.