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10 Toxic Habits Every Father Should Avoid

10 Toxic Habits Every Father Should Avoid

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Being a dad can be one heck of a not-so-easy ride, and as married men, our attitudes toward our kids are a great determinant of how this ride is steered.

They can make all the difference.

For this reason, we are taking you into the ten attitudes a father should never, ever adopt when it comes to his little ones.

We’re talking about some real everyday stuff here, straight-up advice on how to be the best dad you can be.



10 Toxic Habits Every Father Should Avoid 

1. Not attending to their needs

Toxic Habits Every Father Should Avoid

Your kid comes home from school, excited to share their day’s adventures, but you’re glued to your phone or the TV.

You barely look up, mumble an absentminded “uh-huh,” and continue whatever you’re doing.

That’s neglecting their needs right there.

Kids have this natural craving for love, attention, and care.

They thrive on feeling that you have got their backs, not just physically but emotionally too.

When a married man adopts an attitude of neglect towards his children, he inadvertently sends a message that their needs aren’t important.

This neglect can come in various forms.

It might be not listening when they want to talk, not spending a good time together, or failing to provide a safe and nurturing environment.

Over time, this can lead to emotional distance, insecurity, and a sense of unmet needs in your child.

In this case, what can you do?

It’s this simple.

Make an effort to be present both physically and emotionally.

When your child wants to talk, put down that smartphone or remote control and give them your full attention.

Spend quality time engaging in activities they enjoy, even if it’s playing their favorite video game or reading their preferred bedtime story.

Always meeting their emotional needs.

When you do this, you’re building a strong foundation of trust and security that will last a lifetime.

Kids grow up fast, and you don’t want to miss out on those precious moments.

But you can miss out if you are neglecting their needs.



2. Being anxious and impatient

Toxic Habits Every Father Should Avoid

This is what happens when you are trying to teach your kid how to ride a bike.

They wobble, they stumble, and they fall a few times; it’s all part of the process.

But if you are standing there tapping your foot, looking at your watch, and saying, “Come on, why can’t you get it already?” that’s being all anxious and impatient.

Here, we understand you.

Life moves fast, and sometimes patience can feel like an endangered species.

But when you are impatient with your kids, especially when they are learning something new or trying to express themselves, you are sending the message that you want everything done immediately.

Impatience can put unnecessary pressure on your children, making them feel like they are constantly under the gun to perform perfectly.

It’s like expecting them to sprint before they’ve even learned to crawl.

The better way to approach this is to take a deep breath, my friend.


Realize that learning and growing take time.

Whether it’s teaching them to tie their shoelaces or helping with homework, be patient and supportive.

Celebrate their small wins and reassure them that it’s okay to make mistakes.

Doing this will teach them valuable life lessons, and you’re also building their confidence.

Life’s not a race; it’s a journey, and your kids are learning one step at a time.



3. Showing preference to one child over the other

This brought problems to the life of Joseph in the Bible story.

You’ve got a couple of kids, and it seems like one of them can do no wrong in your eyes.

They get extra privileges, maybe more screen time, and you’re always singing their praises.

Meanwhile, the other kid is left feeling like they’re stuck in the shadows.

That’s what we call playing favorites, and it’s a no-go.

Actually, it’s normal to have different relationships with each of your children because they are unique individuals.

But when you blatantly favor one over the other, it’s like giving a thumbs-up to inequality within your own family.

Playing favorites can sow the seeds of resentment and insecurity in your kids.

The one who gets all the love might feel the pressure of unrealistic expectations, while the one on the sidelines may start thinking they are not good enough.

To avoid this, you should be treating your kids fairly and recognizing their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Give each of them your time, attention, and support based on their needs, not on who’s your “favorite” at the moment.

This will help to breed a sense of equality and love within your family, which is very important.

Don’t forget that your kids are watching and learning from you, so show them that they are all special in their own way.



4. Going overboard with rules and punishments

Your kid messes up, maybe spills some juice on the carpet, or forgets to do their homework.

And then you go full drill sergeant mode, shouting and grounding them for a month.

That’s like being way too strict with discipline, and it can backfire.

Note that discipline is important; we are not against that at all.

Discipline helps kids learn right from wrong and become responsible adults.

But when you lay on the strictness too thick, you are putting a lid on their ability to learn from their mistakes and grow.

Overly strictness can create an atmosphere of fear and anxiety at home.

Your child might become hesitant to open up to you or be scared to try new things for fear of messing up.

The better way is to find that sweet spot between setting boundaries and allowing room for error.

When your kid goofs up, take a deep breath and have a calm conversation about what happened and why it’s important not to do it again.

Encourage them to think about the consequences of their actions and how they can make amends.

This way, you are disciplining them, teaching them valuable life lessons, and creating an environment where they feel safe to learn and grow.

Being a little flexible with the rules can go a long way in building trust and understanding between you and your child.



5. Keeping the lines of communication closed

Toxic Habits Every Father Should Avoid

To keep the lines of communication closed is a bad move.

Don’t make it.

Your child wants to talk to you about something that’s bothering them, but you are always too busy or just not interested.

You brush them off with a casual “I don’t have time right now” or “Can we talk later?”

It’s not ideal.

We get that life can be rough, and there’s always something demanding your attention.

But when you consistently shut down your child’s attempts to communicate, it sends a message that their thoughts and feelings aren’t a priority.

Closed communication can lead to a sense of isolation in your child.

They might seek advice or understanding elsewhere, and that’s not something you’d want, right?

You should simply make time for a chat.

When your child wants to talk, pause what you are doing and listen.

Even if it seems trivial to you, it might be a big deal for them.

Create an environment where they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment.

You are building a stronger bond when you do this, and you are also teaching them the importance of communication, a skill that will serve them well in life.

Your kids are growing, and they need your guidance and support more than ever.



6. Not taking their feelings seriously

Toxic Habits Every Father Should Avoid 

Your child comes home visibly upset about something that happened at school.

You respond with a dismissive, “Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s not a big deal.”

You are brushing off their feelings, and it’s not the best move.

Kids have a twist of emotions, and sometimes, what seems trivial to you can be a huge deal to them.

When you brush off their feelings, you are telling them that what they are going through doesn’t matter.

Dismissing their feelings can lead to frustration and a sense of not being heard in your child.

They might start suppressing their emotions, which isn’t healthy in the long run.

Instead, take a moment to empathize.

When your child is upset, ask them what happened and why it’s bothering them.

Let them express their feelings without judgment.

Even if it seems like a small issue, it’s important to validate their emotions and offer comfort.

This helps them feel understood and also teaches them that it’s okay to express their feelings.

You’re building a strong emotional connection and helping your child develop essential emotional intelligence when you do this.

Supporting them in times of emotional turbulence is a crucial part of parenting.



7. Always being overly picky and critical

Toxic Habits Every Father Should Avoid

Being super critical all the time is not healthy.

Your child brings home their artwork, all excited to show you.

Instead of praising their effort, you start nit-picking and criticizing every tiny detail.

That’s being supercritical all the time, and it’s not the most helpful approach.

Understand this: no one is saying you shouldn’t provide constructive feedback, but when you’re constantly pointing out flaws and rarely giving praise, it can chip away at your child’s self-esteem.

Your overly critical attitude can make your child feel like they can never meet your expectations, no matter how hard they try.

It can also discourage them from trying new things, fearing they will be judged.

Rather, find the balance between offering guidance and acknowledging their efforts.

When your child shares something they’ve done, like artwork, schoolwork, or even sports, start with a positive comment.

Acknowledge their hard work and creativity before gently discussing areas where they can improve.

In this approach, you’re helping them grow while boosting their confidence.

A little praise can go a long way in making your child feel appreciated and motivated to do their best.



8. Expecting way too much from them, like perfection

To understand what we mean here, let us see this scenario.

Your child brings home their report card with mostly A’s and a couple of B’s.

Your response?

You are visibly disappointed, saying, “Why didn’t you get all A’s?”

That’s setting crazy high expectations, and it can be quite demoralizing.

Sure, it’s great to encourage your child to do their best, but when you expect nothing less than perfection, it can create a lot of pressure.

Setting unattainable expectations can make your child feel like they’re constantly falling short.

They might become anxious, fearing that they’ll disappoint you with anything less than a stellar performance.

You can handle this better by setting realistic and achievable goals.

Acknowledge their efforts and celebrate their successes, even if they don’t reach perfection.

Encourage them to strive for excellence, but let them know it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them.

You will nurture a healthy drive for success while promoting resilience and self-acceptance when you do this.

Your child’s potential is unique, and it’s important to support their growth without pushing them to unrealistic extremes.



9. Not Being Around When They Need You

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in work, hobbies, or social obligations.

But when you consistently miss out on important moments in your child’s life, it can lead to feelings of neglect and disappointment.

Your child has a school play, and they look out into the audience hoping to see you, but you are nowhere to be found because you’ve got other commitments.

It means you are not around when they need you, and it can leave a lasting impact.

Not being present can make your child feel like their achievements and milestones don’t matter to you.

It can also create a sense of insecurity, as they may question if you’ll be there for them when they truly need support.

Please prioritize time with your child.

Attend their important events, whether it’s a school play, a sports game, or a parent-teacher meeting.

Be there to celebrate their achievements and offer comfort during challenging times.

Showing up consistently is sending a powerful message that you value their presence in your life.

The little moments you share with your child can have a big impact on their sense of security and belonging.



10. Setting a bad example

Toxic Habits Every Father Should Avoid

You can’t expect a son to take the kitchen seriously if he doesn’t have a father who helps in the kitchen.

You expect your child to exhibit certain behaviors and values, like kindness and honesty, but you don’t consistently demonstrate these qualities yourself.

That’s not being a good role model, and it can send mixed messages.

Children learn by example, and if you’re not practicing what you preach, it can lead to confusion and hypocrisy.

They might question why they should follow your guidance when your actions don’t align with your words.

To be a good role model, strive to embody the values and behaviors you want to instill in your child.

Show them how to handle challenges, conflicts, and relationships with integrity and empathy.

In doing so, you are teaching them essential life skills and you’re building trust and respect in your parent-child relationship.

Your actions speak louder than words, and being a positive role model is a powerful way to shape your child’s character.


Final note

Now, it’s time to put these insights into action.

Take a moment to reflect on your relationship with your kids.

Are there attitudes on this list that you might need to adjust?

Take note: change doesn’t happen overnight, but every small effort counts.

Start today.

Be there for your kids, communicate, and show them love and understanding.

Set realistic expectations, and don’t forget to take care of yourself too.

Being a parent is demanding, and it’s natural to want to give your all to your children.

Parenting is a lifelong work, and the attitudes you embrace will shape the incredible journey you share with your children.

So, go ahead, be the amazing parent your kids deserve, and watch your family thrive.

The choice is in your hands.