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7 Things Men Should Bring to the Table in a Relationship

7 Things Men Should Bring to the Table in a Relationship

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“What are you bringing to the table?”

This is one question we hear almost everyday in today’s world. 

At first, it started as a relationship question. 

But today, even employees asks their employees, people ask their intending friends; everybody just wants to know what everyone is bringing to the table. 

This topic is a very interesting one, because many men do not want anyone to ask them what they bring to the table.

For them, they are already bringing too much and it is obvious enough.

It is only the women who are not offering anything tangible so the question is exclusive to only women.

And guess the “very obvious” things that these men are bringing to the table?


I am not someone who would invalidate someone else’s efforts and contributions, but if it is just money a man is bringing to the table, he’s bringing too little. 

We’re in a generation where a greater percentage of women are becoming more financially responsible for themselves than before.

Chances that the woman they’ll meet and date need their money to survive have reduced.

There are other things women need from their men, and these are the things the men should bring to the table.

Let’s see what 7 of them.

7 Things Men Should Bring to the Table in a Relationship

1. Emotional Availability

7 Things Men Should Bring to the Table in a Relationship

One of the most important and basic things men can offer in a relationship is emotional availability

Unfortunately, most men do not have this to bring to the table. 

Society has conditioned men to be stoic and emotionally reserved, but in reality, if they want a healthy relationship, they must be emotionally available. 

“I am available for my woman. I show up for her.”

Very good. 

But there’s more. 

Do you share your feelings and emotions with her?

Do you show vulnerability and actively listen to her emotions? 

You may be physically available but emotionally unavailable. 

And it is emotional availability that will help you to build deeper connections and allows for genuine intimacy, which can make your relationship feel more grounded and secure.

2. Communication Skills

7 Things Men Should Bring to the Table in a Relationship

It may surprise that some men do not know how to communicate.

They find it difficult to express themselves in a way that they are heard. 

Good communication is at the foundation of every successful relationship. 

Women today are looking for men who can clearly express their needs, feelings, and thoughts without struggle.

This set of men makes their relationship an environment where misunderstandings are minimized, and both partners feel heard. 

Some men talk very well; some are even talkative.

But communication does not end at just talking.

Are you also a good listener? 

When men listen to their women and speak properly to them, they show respect and understanding.

3. Trustworthiness and Reliability

7 Things Men Should Bring to the Table in a Relationship

I should have listed this one first. 

I like the Bible’s illustration of one house built on rock and the other built on sand.

A relationship without trust is like a house built on sand—it’s bound to collapse when storms come. 

Unreliable men show up today and are nowhere to be found the next day. 

You can’t beat your chest and boast that you have a man who will show up for you because he may disappoint you when you’re not expecting him to.

Men who want to get into a good and healthy relationship must cultivate trust by being reliable and consistent in their actions. 

Trust means you must be faithful, and it also means showing that you can be depended upon. 

How do you build trust?

Keep your promises, show up when you say you will, and be there when your woman needs you.

4. Supportiveness

7 Things Men Should Bring to the Table in a Relationship

We’re making progress.

At this point, we can see that being in a relationship requires more than just money from the men. 

You must be a supportive partner, too. 

Financial support?


But more than that. 

You must be there for your woman when she wins and when she loses. 

In the good times and in the bad times. 

You must be able to play the role of a cheerleader when she’s attaining success, and your shoulder must be available for her to lean on in her down moments. 

Sending money is very good, but showing up is way better. 

Being supportive also means standing by your partner and encouraging her to chase her dreams and aspirations rather than talking down on them. 

5. Financial Stability

7 Things Men Should Bring to the Table in a Relationship

I don’t even need to say anything here. 

At this point, it is to give you all your flowers. 

But for the sake of people who would want to misquote me:

I said that a relationship is built on more than just money, but I didn’t say money isn’t an important factor. 

Financial stability still plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy partnership. 

Life is easier for you as a man seeking to build a relationship if you have some level of financial stability. 

Am I saying that you should bear all the financial responsibilities by yourself?

Definitely not. 

But should you have a responsible approach to finances?

Definitely yes. 

Most times, your woman is looking up to you to know how to handle and manage finances, even when she’s not completely dependent on you for financial needs. 

So you must be financially intelligent, too. 

Men with a sense of financial responsibility and intelligence are mature men who know what they are doing in the relationship. 


6. Romance and Affection

7 Things Men Should Bring to the Table in a Relationship

I’ve seen some men acting like trees in their relationships.

I feel like I even insulted the trees because some trees are flexible and can be bent. 

So why are you completely unromantic as a man who is bringing something to the table in a relationship? 

Some men only know romance when they want to have sex, not before, not after. 

I think it is because they underestimate the power of romance and affection in building a healthy relationship. 

It is easy to get comfortable over time, but quality men must continue to express love through small gestures, thoughtful acts, and affection. 

Either during the early days of dating or after several months, romance is something that keeps the spark alive in long-term relationships. 

Do you know that something as simple as surprising your partner with their favorite treat, planning a date night, or even just a loving hug at the end of a long day can strengthen emotional bonds and make your relationship bubble even more?


7. Flexibility and Compromise

7 Things Men Should Bring to the Table in a Relationship

Every relationship has its troubles, but the ones with the most troubles are the ones in which either both or one partner is too rigid to be bent. 

One thing is sure: in every relationship, you will need to adjust, readjust, make room for your partner’s excesses, and cover up for their insufficiencies. 

If you are not flexible enough or willing to compromise in the relationship, you may not be able to achieve these. 

All that stubbornness and rigidity that is the way of most men only leads to unnecessary conflicts.

You must have your way. 

It must be done the way you want it. 

You would only end up spoiling what would have been an awesome relationship if you had this mindset. 

But if you choose to be open-minded and adapt easily to things, it will make it easier to find solutions that work for both partners.

Nobody says you should lose your sense of self, but you must be willing to work as a team to find balance in the relationship.


Men, just like women, play a critical role in the success of a relationship. 

If you can bring these 7 things to the table, you are a premium man who is intentional about having a beautiful and successful relationship.