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6 Sentences That Will Change Your Love Life

6 Sentences That Will Change Your Love Life

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I love the Bible for so many reasons, and one of them is the real life lessons that are contained in it. 

Like the lesson it teaches about the power of our words and of the tongue.

At the introduction of that lesson, it says, “any man who is able to put his words in check is a perfect man and can put his whole body in check.”

We can easily apply this in our love lives and relationships.

If we are able to put the words we say in check and put extra intentionality into communication with our partners, we may be able to have a perfect relationship

Because the words we say reflect our entire being and the state of our minds; even the one we say without thoughts.

I find that as powerful as words are, there are more people using them to tear down rather than build up. 

You can make a choice today to use your words to make your relationship as perfect as possible.

Let’s consider some sentences that can change your love life and make your relationship a beautiful and desirable one.

6 Sentences That Will Change Your Love Life

1. “I appreciate you”

6 Sentences That Will Change Your Love Life

Everybody loves to be appreciated, no matter how seemingly little what they do is.

Expressing appreciation may look simple, but it is a very profound way to show your partner that you value them. 

This seemingly little statement has the ability to keep your love life on fire if you make a habit of it. 

It shows that you are paying attention to your partner, and that you see every single thing that they do for you and for the relationship. 

And you do not just stop at seeing, you go on to tell them how much you value and respect them and their role in the relationship

An inability to recognize and appreciate your partner is enough to tear your relationship apart.

“But it is just ‘thank you’ I didn’t say.”

Ingratitude is not just failure to say “thank you”, it goes to show how little value you place on your partner. 

Another thing appreciate does for you is that it helps you to focus on the positive areas of your relationship. 

The more focus you place on the positive areas of your relationship, the better your relationship becomes.

2. “I love you for who you are.”

6 Sentences That Will Change Your Love Life

It is very true that people should not depend on the validation from their partners to live their lives, but what is life if your partner does not appreciate your personality?

Many people who are struggling with an identity crisis and the need to change their personality or live double lives are doing so because they feel in love with someone who does not appreciate them for who they are. 

When they find themselves in this kind of situation, they are pressed with the need to become who they are not rather than walk out of the relationship. 

It is easy to advise people to walk out of a relationship where their partners do not appreciate them, but love is such a powerful force and everyday we see people making the most toxic decisions just because they are in love. 

Telling your partner that you love them for who they are reassures them of your unconditional love and acceptance

By this, they know that they do not need to be anything extra.

What they are is just enough for you. 

3. “I’m here for you.”

6 Sentences That Will Change Your Love Life

I keep saying that “life is already as difficult as it gets.”

Then I stop sometimes to wonder if I am the only one who has this opinion. 

There is so much going on in everyone’s life everyday: work, family, academics, etc. 

Even people who seemingly do not have anything going on for them are struggling with the fact that nothing is going on for them. 

So having a partner who is there for you through thick and thin is real gold. 

I think it is one of the major reasons people go into a relationship

Everyone is busy, but your partner will sacrifice time and effort to be available for you.

It is basically useless to be with a person who cannot show up for you. 

Telling your partner that you are available for them reassures them that they can count on you, no matter what. 

It is most beautiful during difficult times. Knowing that you have someone by your side who is willing to listen, comfort, and stand with you can make life way easier and better. 

4. “I was wrong, and I’m sorry.”

6 Sentences That Will Change Your Love Life

You want to experience a beautiful relationship and love life but you do not want to apologize?

Why do I feel like you are joking?

You do know that pride is not an ingredient in a beautiful relationship, yes?

I am talking about pride because what else will stop you from apologizing to your partner other than pride?

Admitting when you’re wrong and apologizing is a sign of maturity and respect.

And if you go a step further to apologize even when you are not wrong, it shows how much of a peace lover you are. 

It is easy to see that you value your relationship more than your pride and are willing to take responsibility for your actions. 

Saying, “I was wrong, and I’m sorry,” can reduce tension and create a path to healing and reconciliation.

It makes conflict resolution easier and keeps hatred and resentment outside your relationship. 

It is also the first step that shows that you are committed to making things right. 

So instead of always trying to justify your wrongdoings in the relationship, make a habit of always admitting your wrongs and apologizing for it.

5. “You make me happy.”

6 Sentences That Will Change Your Love Life

Away from the good times you have in your relationship, I can tell you for a fact that your partner may wonder every now and then if you are truly happy in the relationship or if you only appreciate the things they do so as not to be rude. 

They need this reassurance, and you should give it to them every now and then. 

I once had a partner who used to have terrible mood swings every other week, and I kept asking myself if I was the one making him unhappy in the relationship. 

I later discovered that he was having a terrible time at work and never told me about it. 

All the while I was feeling like I was the one making him unhappy, it was trouble at work. 

This may look like a light thing, but it affected my sense of security in the relationship and my assurance of his love

I literally kept my fingers crossed and my heart in my hands, awaiting the day he was going to break up with me. 

It is really important to keep reminding your partner that you are happy being with them, especially when you are going through tough times. 

Remind them that they are your safe place and they bring joy to your life. 

This will motivate them to do more for you and to keep doubts and insecurities far away from your relationship.

6. “I trust you.”

6 Sentences That Will Change Your Love Life

There’s something my mentor told me that has stuck with me. 

He said: “trust no man, but that one person you have chosen to love and to do life with. You must trust them.”

You can’t possibly be in a relationship or love someone without trusting them.

If you do, it is only a matter of time before both the love and the relationship is swept away by the wind of life because it is not built on a solid foundation.

When you do not trust your partner, you have automatically opened the door to insecurity and suspicions.

You doubt their love and commitment to you and suspect their every move even when they have not done anything to taint their image. 

Suspicion has a way of clouding your vision so that you don’t even see the good things your partner is doing in the relationship. 

But when you trust your partner and reassure them of it, they are implicated to do everything possible to protect that trust. 


The way we communicate with our partners goes a long way to affect the quality of our relationships

Words are not just words; they are powerful tools that can heal, inspire, and transform.

They can also tear down, rip apart and destroy.

So being mindful of the things you say to your partner will help you to build a relationship that will stand firm through storms.

Instead of just saying anything you feel like at any time you feel like, put more intentionality into the words you say and take advantage of its power to keep your love life on fire.