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7 The Most Unexpected Things Men Find Attractive

7 The Most Unexpected Things Men Find Attractive

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We had spoken about ways to know that a man is attracted to you. 

And I felt it was just necessary to know what men are attracted to. 

It is after you have made sure that you possess these attractive traits before you go on to find out whether or not a man is attracted to you. 

And with the way attraction works, what attracts one person may repulse another person. 

It can be shocking to find that something that is a big turn-off for you in a woman is the exact reason another person is chasing after the woman.

I remember when one woman told me how that man used to turn away from her because of her ability to eat large portions.

But when she met her husband, he said her ability to eat large portions was what drew him to her. 

Before then, she never imagined that a man could love her with her eating habits. 

But she got loved and chosen because of the things others despised her for. 

So, attraction and relationships get complicated every now and then.

We cannot say everything that can make a man attracted to you, but we have penned down 7 unexpected traits in women that we have noticed over time as attractive to men.

Let’s consider them together. 

7 The Most Unexpected Things Men Find Attractive

1. A Love for Adventure

7 The Most Unexpected Things Men Find Attractive

After spending a great deal of our lives following a boring work routine that wears us out, wouldn’t it be nice to go out, have fun, and experience adventure?

And who better to have this adventure with other than your woman?

I mean, not everything must be planned out and followed through religiously. 

Occasional spontaneity does not hurt a fly. 

Try out a meal you have never heard of or tasted. 

Travel on a random weekend without planning, or do any new thing without thinking twice about it. 

If it is not harmful or toxic to your well-being, why not?

Men love women who can share in their adventures or, better yet, introduce them to new ones.

A woman who is always holding back and saying no to adventures is a big turn-off to men who love adventure.


2. A Sense of Humor

7 The Most Unexpected Things Men Find Attractive

Having a sense of humor is not tantamount to being a clown. 

It’s one thing to have a sense of humor and another to be a clown.

Of course, people are generally not attracted to women who make a nuisance of themselves trying to be funny, but men love women who have a good sense of humor.

Life is already too serious, so why are you angry at everything?

Why can’t you take a joke?

Why is it difficult for you to laugh?

It may feel like you are maintaining composure, but it is not attractive at all. 

If you are someone whose face is always bent in a frown, men will always avoid you for fear of being talked down upon or treated harshly. 

Maintain your composure as a classy lady, but you should also be able to laugh, take in a joke, and engage in playful banter or even goofy humor.

Loosen up and show your happiness.


3. Being Passionate About Something

7 The Most Unexpected Things Men Find Attractive

Passion is a very powerful force that can attract a lot of things.

When you are passionate about your business, you naturally attract people from all over because they want to see what you are giving so much of yourself to. 

Men are generally drawn to women with their own lives, interests, and ambitions. 

Who are committed to a course and are pursuing it diligently. 

It is very attractive to see. 

Especially when they can stay at it until they win.

A blend of passion and perseverance. 

When you are deeply involved in something, you show commitment and a thirst for growth—and this kind of enthusiasm is very contagious. 

A man can be rest assured that if he gets you in his corner, his life will be infused with more passion, making it even more beautiful. 


4. Independence and Self-Sufficiency

7 The Most Unexpected Things Men Find Attractive

Your father is the only man who should be 100% responsible for you. 

And this full responsibility usually lasts for a while. 

When you become an adult, the responsibility eases on your father. 

It makes me wonder why some women who are no longer fully taken care of by their parents come to a man and expect him to be completely responsible for them.

An average adult man is burdened with many responsibilities.

Everyone has expectations of him, and he is trying to meet them as much as he can. 

I think this is the primary reason why men appreciate a woman who is independent and can stand on her own even without him. 

There’s a cultural narrative that suggests men like to feel needed, but it’s equally valid that they are attracted to women who are not 100% dependent on them. 

It is truly intriguing to see a woman who doesn’t rely on anyone for validation or financial support and has her own career, goals, and aspirations. 


5. Nurturing Qualities

7 The Most Unexpected Things Men Find Attractive

We know how today’s relationship places so much emphasis on equality and somehow rules out the fact that women are wired to be homemakers. 

And so many men still find themselves drawn to women who possess these nurturing qualities. 

A woman who is kind, compassionate, and caring. 

Of course, being with a woman who takes care of them and the home does not rule out the place of shared responsibility, but it is just beautiful to see a woman still have these abilities in today’s world. 

And kindness is completely underrated. 

If you want to confirm this, you can go on and be with an unkind person. 

A kind and compassionate woman will be able to hold her man’s hands through difficult times. 


6. Intelligence and Depth

7 The Most Unexpected Things Men Find Attractive

Gone are the days when playing the “dumb” card was attractive. 

When women needed to be shallow and without thirst for knowledge to be accepted and loved by a man. 

In today’s world, men are increasingly drawn to women who are intelligent, informed, and curious about the world. 

Their woman should be such that they should be able to boast about it. 

One they should be able to carry about with pride. 

They can hold intelligent conversations with a woman whose opinion on things can change the situation. 

A woman who reads widely and has insights that go beyond surface-level small talk.

It is even more beautiful when their intelligence is not accompanied by the need to flaunt unnecessarily or put others down. 

Intelligence laced with humility—a banging combo.

When you have someone who can hold a sound conversation, you do not need to be bothered about having a boring relationship. 


7. Competence in “Unexpected” Skills

7 The Most Unexpected Things Men Find Attractive

It’s not every day we find a female carpenter, mechanic, or scaffolder. 

These jobs are universally exclusive for men. 

But today, we have quite a number of women courageous enough to take up a career in these fields. 

And it is intriguing, especially when they do it absolutely well. 

Many men are threatened by this kind of woman, but many others are captivated by them. 

These kinds of men support girl power. 

They find women who can break stereotypes very attractive and will want to have one of them in their space. 

They do not feel threatened by her competence or success; rather, they are inspired by her resourcefulness, intelligence, and passion—all of which are attractive traits.


Attraction is deeply personal, and we do expect any two people to be attracted to the same thing. 

But from what we have penned down here, you can tell that attraction is more about the little things than it is about a dazzling physical appearance.