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7 Telltale Signs a Man is Powerfully Attracted to You

7 Telltale Signs a Man is Powerfully Attracted to You

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With the rate of heartbreak and toxicity in the romantic space, one would expect a decline in the rate of love and relationships.

But just like the Bible says, love never fails. 

People are still loving and being loved, getting into and building beautiful relationships with the one whom they love with the hope that it’ll be the last. 

And even after they’ve had the toughest of experiences with love, they’ll still heal and love again. 

Love is so beautiful and unbeatable. 

And with all the love and heartbreak stories going on, there are still women who are concerned about whether or not a man is attracted to them. 

Don’t quote me wrong. 

I’m not suggesting this is the wrong thing to do. 

In fact, as an ambassador of love, I think it is necessary to know the state of a person’s heart concerning you to know how to relate with them. 

So, how do you know if a man is attracted to you?

Let’s see.

7 Telltale Signs a Man Is Powerfully Attracted to You

1. His Eyes Never Leave You

7 Telltale Signs a Man is Powerfully Attracted to You

I’ve heard people say that our eyes are the window to our souls.

It never made sense to me until I started paying attention to how a man behaves when he is attracted to a woman

I find beauty in the most mundane things, and I think the behavior of a man who is attracted to a woman is just beautiful. 

So this man will often spend time staring into your eyes like he is seeking access to your heart by looking into your eyes. 

I’ve even seen people who can tell some of the things going on just by looking into your eyes. 

He does this by trying to soak in your physical details and remember them when you are no longer in sight. 

It doesn’t matter if he cannot hold your gaze and if he quickly looks away when you turn to him. 

I think it is just a matter of time before he gets comfortable enough with you to hold your gaze —that is if you give him a chance.


2. He Finds Excuses to Touch You

7 Telltale Signs a Man is Powerfully Attracted to You

Any man who is interested in you wants to touch you. 

Now, this one is tricky because many women wouldn’t let people have physical contact with them if they’re not comfortable with them.

If they have not allowed you into their personal space and you try to touch them, they feel harassed.

But a man who is attracted to you would always find a way to have physical contact with you.

He will mostly begin with very subtle touches that cannot threaten her and make her feel harassed.

Like brushing you lightly while passing because “there’s limited space, and you’re in my way.”

Or finding ways to greet you with a solid handshake that lingers for a moment. 

And somehow, you’ll know these unintentional touches are intentional and deliberate. 


3. His Body Language Mirrors Yours

7 Telltale Signs a Man is Powerfully Attracted to You

Next thing, he is behaving like you without even knowing it. 

Mirroring is a psychological behavior where one person copies the actions of another.

It also works like mannerism, where two people begin to behave alike after spending time with each other. 

Imagine being around a man and noticing that he leans in as you lean in and cross his legs as you do, among other gestures. 

This may feel creepy, but he is not even conscious about it. 

I think this is one way to show that you’re on the same wavelength with another person and to create a bond with the person without even saying a word. 


4. He Compliments You Often

7 Telltale Signs a Man is Powerfully Attracted to You

Compliments are a direct way to express admiration, and they are generally more acceptable than flirting or expressing love and interest. 

I notice people use compliments to lay a foundation for a relationship. 

Compliments can also serve as indicators of interest and attraction towards someone. 

If a man constantly finds things to compliment you about, it’s likely because he’s attracted to you.

Whether it’s your appearance, your laugh, or something more specific like your sense of humor, his compliments are a foundation when they are seeking to get into someone’s good books and in favor with them. 

This happens even in non-romantic scenes. 

So the man who is attracted to you may seize the power of compliments to lay a smooth foundation in your mind. 

And you’ll love it, because when someone compliments you about something unique to you, you can tell that they are paying attention to you.

And who doesn’t like attention?


5. He Prioritizes Spending Time with You

7 Telltale Signs a Man is Powerfully Attracted to You

When I see some men who cannot spend time with their wives after they are married, I know that they are probably no longer attracted to her. 

You may argue, “that’s not correct. My husband is still attracted to me. He is just really busy at work.”

He wasn’t busy when you were dating? 

How come he had time to spend with you?

In all my studies and researches, it has been proven that a man will go out of his way to spend time with the woman he loves. 

No matter how tight his schedule his, there’ll always be convenient and sufficient space for her. 

Now I’m not saying that it is only loss of attraction that makes a man not to spend quality time with his woman, I’m saying that attraction plays a major role in deciding whether or not he’ll spend time with you. 


6. He Seems Protective of You

7 Telltale Signs a Man is Powerfully Attracted to You

Men are naturally protective of their women. 

They do not even need to rehearse it or double guess it. 

They might even not be completely conscious of it, it’s just something they do. 

Turn you away from the side closer to the road when you are walking, defend you from apparent and seemingly threats, let you take his jacket in the cold, and the rest of those sweet, mushy protective gestures. 

So if a man is attracted to you, he wouldn’t even let the least thing as a fly perch on you. 

You won’t need to ask yourself; you’ll know that you have a man who is there for you. 

This protection will also naturally extend to your emotional and mental health. 

He’ll ensure your heart is safe and that you do not need to worry about heartbreak; he will not let you stay in a toxic environment. 

With him, you always feel safe and covered. 


7. He Talks About the Future—With You in It

7 Telltale Signs a Man is Powerfully Attracted to You

A man who is interested in you already fantasizes about his future, and you are right there in it, playing a major role. 

And every now and then, he shares a bit of this fantasy, let’s you in on his future plans. 

A very subtle way of saying, “I see my future, and you’re right there in it.”

The funny thing is that he may not begin by discussing a so-far-away future.

Tomorrow is the future, and so is next week.

That man inviting you for an event weeks away sees you in his future.”

Weeks away is only the beginning. 

Next thing he’ll be featuring you in event that is years away. 

He could even feature you as the bride at his wedding. 

Or suppose he is a more intentional man. In that case, he may begin with something more intentional, such as talking to you about goals and values, seeing if yours aligns with his, and taking notes of necessary adjustments if there are any. 


It is important to know that every man expresses attraction differently.

There is no default program in them that controls their behaviors when they are attracted to a woman.

But the availability of these signs are usually good indicators that he’s deeply into you. 

And some men might show only a few of these behaviors, while others may show all. 

The key is to keep your heart open and talk about unclear things. 

I hope you have the best of relationships.