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7 Ways to Make Her Feel Special

7 Ways to Make Her Feel Special

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As a woman, I would tell you truthfully that women are one of the simplest people to please. 

All a woman truly wants is for you to be thoughtful in everything you do for her. 

But a lot of men miss this, so they go on and on, doing things for their women that does not meet their needs.

Then they’ll come back to say that women are very difficult to please. 

That’s not correct. 

Making someone feel special is an art, and it is even more significant when it comes to the woman who holds a special place in your heart.

You can’t make her feel special by being generic or by doing copy and paste. 

You see something a man did for his woman on the Internet, and from the looks of it, it made the woman really happy, and so you decide to do the same thing for your woman.

Don’t be so surprised if she doesn’t act all happy as the woman on the Internet. 

Pay attention to your woman and put in effort to know what she needs per season.

Then fill up the gap. 

That’s how to make her feel truly special. 

I will give you a few ideas to guide you below.

7 Ways to Make Her Feel Special

1. Give Her Space When She Needs It

7 Ways to Make Her Feel Special

It is not every time a woman who loves you wants to be away from you. 

She wants to spend most of her time with you. 

So those few times when she needs her space, you should be able to respect that and grant her request. 

It is a thoughtful way to show you care

Life gets really overwhelming sometimes and we just want to be by ourselves at some point, maybe to recharge, process our thoughts, or simply enjoy some solitude. 

If she’s had a tough day or is feeling overwhelmed, let her know that it’s okay to take some time for herself. 

Offer her the space she needs without making her feel guilty or pressured to be constantly available. 

This kind of respect for her boundaries shows that you’re attentive to her emotional needs and that you care about her well-being.

2. Surprise Her with Little Things

7 Ways to Make Her Feel Special

I don’t think there’s anything as beautiful as being able to light up your woman’s face by doing the littlest of things. 

Women are simple people who tend to be swept off their feet by little thoughtful gestures from the one they love. 

And the truth is, surprises don’t have to be elaborate to be meaningful. 

You can think about what she likes to do when she is stressed out and ready it for her on a stressful day without her asking and when she’s not expecting it. 

Can you imagine her delight if she finds a thoughtful note tucked into her bag or receives a midday text saying, “I was just thinking about you.” 

These small tokens of affection show that she’s on your mind, even when you’re apart, and that you care about making her smile.

3. Compliment Her Genuinely

7 Ways to Make Her Feel Special

“You’re so beautiful” is a good compliment, but it is quite generic and cliché. 

And you won’t make a woman feel special by telling her what 20 other men are telling her, or what you’d tell 50 other women.

When you want to compliment your woman, you should pay attention to making it genuine, specific, and tailored directly to her. 

So, instead of saying “you’re beautiful” try saying “I love how your laughter lights up the room.”

When you compliment a woman like this, you are showing her how much you appreciate who she is. 

They help her feel seen, understood, and valued not just for her appearance, but for her character and personality.

She also gets to feel like she’s distinguished among the crowd. 

4. Plan a Thoughtful Date

7 Ways to Make Her Feel Special

It is one thing to plan a date for a woman, and it is another thing to do it in a way that will please her. 

Planning a date that’s tailored to her interests shows that you’ve put thought and effort into making her happy. 

Even if you do not know what pleases her, if you want to make her happy you should be willing to go the extra mile to find out. 

Because even though women like to go out on a date, it is not every date that leaves them feeling special. 

Your goal should be to create an experience that she’ll love and truly appreciate. 

The type that reflects her interests and personality. 

Planning her a thoughtful date will not only make her feel special but also create a lasting memory that you’ll both cherish.

5. Write Her a Heartfelt Note

Flirty Good Morning Texts for Him

We are blessed to be in a generation where the use of paper and pencil is almost archaic. 

I don’t know if that is supposed to be counted as a blessing; but it is definitely a blessing to be born in a generation where most communication happens through screens, quicker, faster, and seamless. 

The socially awkward now have the opportunity to express themselves, you can have very private and secured conversations, and you can save your conversation for future.

But in the midst of all these, there’s still something intimate and personal about putting pen to paper, taking the time to express your feelings in a tangible way. 

And it doesn’t have to be poetic; just write from your heart. 

The effort and intentionality that goes into the act is something a woman will really appreciate. 

6. Help Out Without Being Asked

7 Ways to Make Her Feel Special

Life gets really overwhelming sometimes. 

If you are someone who is attentive to details, there are times when the most loving thing you can do is offer a helping hand without being asked. 

This is a very deep way to show that you love her, and you are thinking about her. 

When you take a burden off her shoulders especially when she’s really exhausted you show her that you are thinking about her and ways to make life easier for her; it shows that you are attentive to her needs. 

It is also a way to affirm your support to her; telling her that you are right here to support her in every little way you can.

7. Support Her Dreams

7 Ways to Make Her Feel Special

As someone who has really big dreams, I can tell you for sure that it’s a beautiful thing when you have someone who truly supports your dreams and will support you in every way they can to make you win. 

You want to make your woman feel really special?

Encourage her to pursue her passions and show her that you’re not only there to cheer her on but also to support her in any way you can. 

Be an active part of the journey for her: when she is assured that she can rely on you to be there for her, she will readily bring you in on her progress. 

Sometimes she may need you to help her work on her projects, offer constructive feedback, or simply be there to listen when she needs to talk things through. 

Giving her that unwavering support will make her feel empowered and loved, with an assurance that you believe in her potential.


Many times, making her feel special may not involve big gestures or expensive gifts. 

But it doesn’t rule out the fact that you may sometimes need to do something grand. 

Don’t forget I said to pay attention to her needs per season at the beginning of this article. 

Sometimes her needs for the season may be grand. 

The secret is to know what she wants and to be willing to do it to the best of your ability. 

What she pays attention to is your effort and intentionality in expressing your love and care to her.