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7 Ways to Prevent Your Man from Cheating on You

7 Ways to Prevent Your Man from Cheating on You

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Can you keep a man?

I don’t know but I sometimes feel like you cannot decide for a full blown adult man what to do and what not to do.

He makes his decisions and do things that makes him happy.

You can only try to influence his decision.

For instance, when people are faced with a life and death situation, and they opt for the thing that will keep them alive then come back to say, “I didn’t have a choice.”

It is a lie.

They had a choice, and they choose to live.

So people make their own choices and decisions in life.

Your man decides if he wants to be with or not.

Or if he wants to cheat in the relationship.

You cannot make that choice for him.

But there are things you can do in your relationship that can influence him to not cheat on you.

So if you are looking at preventing your man from cheating on you, you can do the following things.

7 Ways to Prevent Your Man from Cheating on You

1. Keep the Romance Alive

7 Ways to Prevent Your Man from Cheating on You

Many times, a man cheats in his relationship when he is romance-starved.

It is still not an excuse, because no matter how hungry a lion is, it won’t eat grass.

It is commonplace for relationships to become a boring routine and lose their spark after a while.

But it is the duty of both partners to put in effort to keep the romance alive.

If you do not want your man to go seeking romance outside, you need to put in a little extra effort to make sure the romance in your relationship does not die.

You can plan and take him out on dates every now and then, give him gifts and help him out the way you can.

You can also invest in saying kind words to him everyday just to make him feel good.

Do not let anyone deceive you into thinking that men do not care about these things.

They do.

They want to see that you are making as much effort as they are to keep the romance alive in the relationship.

So you need to find creative ways to express your love to him.


2. Be Supportive

7 Ways to Prevent Your Man from Cheating on You

Do you ever look at your man and wonder where he gets the strength to be there for you and for himself?

Or to continually help you and help himself?

He is a strong man, isn’t he?

There’s really no one who is a macho man – even the hugest giant sometimes needs a hug.

And should I shock you?

Your man wouldn’t be in a relationship with you if he didn’t need support.

You are his woman because he expects that you can be there for him during rough times and you can hold his hands through his successes and failures.

So if you have been one who is not given to support your man, repent.

Stand by him at all times.

Show interest in his life – his work, hobbies, passions, etc.

Celebrate him when he wins and encourage him when he needs to try again.

If you are not supporting your man, someone else is showing him support.


3. Maintain Physical Intimacy

7 Ways to Prevent Your Man from Cheating on You

Physical intimacy is another part of a relationship men do not toy with.

Satisfy his need for physical intimacy by always being physically present with him as much as possible.

Hold his hands.

Touch him regularly.

Give him random hugs and kisses.

Physical intimacy helps to strengthen the bond between you two, and when it feels like you are starving him of intimacy, he begins to seek closure outside.


4. Avoid Complacency

7 Ways to Prevent Your Man from Cheating on You

Apart from the fact that the romance in a relationship can die overtime if intentionality does not go into preserving it, complacency can also creep in.

What we call “see finish.”

When you first got into the relationship, you used to put in effort to make your man happy and to stay beautiful.

But after a while, you begin to feel like “this is my man.”

So you reduce your effort or stop them completely.

Your man is your man, but he wants to know that you are putting in effort for him and are not taking him for granted.

When he does something for someone else outside, they show him so much appreciation, but when he does the same thing for you or even more, you despise it.

Or you keep looking homeless in his presence with no effort to look pretty and clean.

And he’s out there on a daily basis seeing women who are all cleaned up and pretty.

No matter what you do, don’t let complacency creep into your relationship.


5. Address Issues Head-On

7 Ways to Prevent Your Man from Cheating on You

I can assure you that in your relationship, you’ll experience conflicts.

Issues will arise that will hurt you and trouble you.

But you must learn to face these issues head-on like an adult.

When your man does something that displeases you, call him and speak to him about it.

Stop hoarding hurts and sweeping it under the carpet with an “it’s fine” when you know that it is not fine.

Because it will reflect in your attitude towards him.

And why will you be giving a man attitude when you have not spoken to him about his erring?

Worse is when you switch to silent treatment.

I find silent treatment very traumatizing.

And the more you ignore these issues, the more hate and resentment builds up in you towards your man.

And when the relationship is not conducive for him anymore, he begins to go out to seek for peace.


6. Keep the Fun in the Relationship

7 Ways to Prevent Your Man from Cheating on You

There’s no reason your relationship should be a boring place.

If you are too mature to have fun, you probably should not be in a relationship.

Face your matured life and stay happy with yourself.

There must be laughter and fun in every healthy relationship.

Life is already as hard as it can get.

Your relationship should be a happy place for both of you.

But if your man comes home to you after a long day and you are all grumpy everytime, he’ll soon stop coming.

Nobody wants to leave one stress and stroll into another.

They’ll try to avoid as much stress as they can.

So introduce joy, fun, and spontaneity into your relationship.

You must not always follow routine.

Do things that make your man happy and pleased to be with you.


7. Work on Yourself

7 Ways to Prevent Your Man from Cheating on You

I keep talking about personal growth and continuous improvement.

The way you were when you got into the relationship is great, but it was great for the beginning.

You can’t stay the same throughout your stay in the relationship.

You’ll become boring.

You must invest in personal growth and development schemes.

Both for your physical, mental, and emotional health, and for other areas of your life.

The better you are, the better your relationship.

And it is even worse if your man is growing and making progress and you are just stagnant.

It will turn him off.

Do things that build your confidence and shape your character continually.

When you are confident in and happy with yourself, it radiates into the relationship and makes your man proud to have you as his.

But if he is growing and you’re not, he’ll soon begin to look for someone in his class to rub minds with.


The things I have listed out here can help nurture your relationship, but you must know that cheating is a personal choice.

You can do everything within your power and the person who wants to cheat will still cheat.

But if you find yourself in a situation where your partner cheats despite your efforts, just bear it in mind that it is not a reflection of your worth.

You’re still a piece of treasure and you only need the right eyes to find you.