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6 Signs Your Husband Does Not Care About Your Feelings

6 Signs Your Husband Does Not Care About Your Feelings

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I know it is normal to want to portray all things bright and beautiful in your marriage on social media, but this isn’t social media; this is a safe place where you can talk about the things that bother you in your marriage without being judged or mocked. 

Does your husband feel you?

Do you bank on the fact that you have a man who hears you, who sees you, who understands you?

When you’re in a marriage, it’s natural for you to expect that your husband will be your biggest supporter—always there to listen, understand, and care for your feelings. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. 

A lot of people are in marriages today where their husbands do not care about their feelings. 

They are just there in the marriage, feeling isolated and confused as they cannot even understand what is going on, especially if he used to be very attentive and empathetic before now. 

If you are on this table, you do not need to keep asking yourself whether you are imagining things or not. 

Let’s walk you through these telltale signs that your husband does not care about your feelings. 

6 Signs Your Husband Does Not Care About Your Feelings

1. He Dismisses Your Emotions

6 Signs Your Husband Does Not Care About Your Feelings

One of the most evident signs that your husband doesn’t care about your feelings is when he regularly dismisses your emotions. 

Your emotions are valid, and your husband should always be able to entertain them just as you entertain his. 

You should be able to tell him when you are happy, sad, afraid, confused, etc. 

Sometimes, he may not even have your solution, but the fact that he is there, listening to you and maybe holding you through it, is all the strength you need to pull through the emotions. 

But if he brushes you off, tells you that you’re overreacting, or makes you feel like your feelings are unimportant every time you try to express them, you can tell that he does not care about your feelings. 

Of course, that’s not how it should be. 

In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel safe to express their feelings without fear of being dismissed or belittled.


2. He Rarely Listens to You

6 Signs Your Husband Does Not Care About Your Feelings

There’s nothing as good as knowing that you are heard by the ones you love. 

It is a beautiful and amazing feeling that everybody yearns for. 

We know that communication is what holds every successful marriage or relationship together. 

It holds every human interaction together if we want to say it as it is. 

If the communication in your marriage is not solid, it will flop. 

Communication involves both speaking and listening: the sender and the receiver. 

If a message is sent but not received, we cannot say that communication has taken place. 

This is why it is important for couples to listen to each other and provide feedback to maintain the communication strength of the marriage. 

If you find that your husband is consistently not listening to you, it’s a sign that he may not value what you have to say. 

Your feelings do not matter to him, and neither does the health of the marriage.


3. He Never Apologizes

6 Signs Your Husband Does Not Care About Your Feelings

Another way to help you know that your husband does not care about you or yours is if he never apologizes.

The thing with marriage is that couples must never lack an apology in their mouth whether they are wrong or not. 

That is if they value peace in their home. 

And I haven’t met one sane person who prefers toxicity to harmony.

But if your husband never apologizes, even when he’s clearly in the wrong, it shows how much he underrates peace in your home. 

It also shows that he lacks empathy and accountability. 

Above all these, it shows that he does not care about your feelings or the well-being of the marriage.

Pride should not have a place in your marriage. 

When your husband values his ego more than your feelings and the health of the marriage, he is most likely not as invested in the marriage as it seems. 


4. He Makes You Feel Guilty for Expressing Yourself

6 Signs Your Husband Does Not Care About Your Feelings

I’ve thought of it over and over again, and I think that the only way to explain manipulation is witchcraft. 

Because why should anybody toy with anybody’s mind in this manner?

As soon as your husband begins to make you feel guilty about how you are feeling, he is manipulating you

There’s nothing wrong with you feeling a particular way about a thing. 

Everybody has emotions—expressed or unexpressed. 

And since your husband is your number one person, there shouldn’t be anything wrong with talking to him about how you feel. 

So why does it seem that when you try to talk to him about something that’s bothering you, the conversation somehow ends with you feeling guilty for bringing it up? 

This is a classic manipulation tactic. 

He turns the tables and makes you feel like you’re the problem for having feelings or concerns.

You’re not a problem, darling. 


5. He Prioritizes Others Over You

6 Signs Your Husband Does Not Care About Your Feelings

I saw a post on social media in which one man said that his siblings and parents are his only family because they share his bloodline. 

Then, he went on to say that his wife is a stranger and cannot be prioritized over his family. 

My heart went out deeply to his wife there and then. 

First of all, we can already see the ignorance oozing from his idea. 

Because it is only a matter of intercourse before he begins to share blood with his wife. 

Then he went all the way to marry somebody’s family from where she was loved, only to leave her outside the gate because she didn’t share his bloodline. 

As far as marriage is concerned, couples must prioritize each other above every other person. 

So, if your husband always chooses his friends, family, or work over you, you should already know that you are being sidelined and are not important to him. 

Imagine watching your husband willingly and actually make sacrifices for other people but never do the same for you. 

You are probably married to a man who sees you as second place in his life.


6. He Invalidates Your Feelings

6 Signs Your Husband Does Not Care About Your Feelings

Invalidating your feelings works just like manipulation. 

I remember when my friend’s ex-fiance used to tell her that she was not accommodating because she asked him why he brought his ex back into his life and house. 

His ex literally used to come to the house, use his kitchen, and cook for herself and the man in one dish.

Then they’ll invite my friend to join them in eating. 

In my opinion, that was one of the lowest forms of disrespect a man could accord a woman. 

When she confronted him about it, he responded, ” You’re not an accommodating person.”

Invalidation is also when someone tells you that your feelings aren’t legitimate or that you shouldn’t feel a certain way. 

If your husband tells you things like, “You’re too sensitive” or “You’re just imagining things,” he’s invalidating your emotions. 

At some point, my friend almost began to believe that she was the problematic person and started beating herself to become “more accommodating.”

It is a toxic and traumatic place to be in. 


A man who loves you will not treat you lightly. 

Neither will he invalidate your feelings nor manipulate you into thinking you are having a problem expressing your emotions. 

So, if you are in a place where your husband does not care about your feelings, you should begin to ask yourself some key questions.

First of all, you may want to talk to him about it. 

Or introduce the help of a professional counselor to meditate for you two. 

Only a person who is alive and sound can love and be loved. 

So, whatever the situation, protect your health and mental well-being before anything else.