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7 Signs You Are with a Real and Faithful Man

7 Signs You Are with a Real and Faithful Man

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In my opinion, there is nothing like a perfect relationship.

But there are people who enjoy bliss in their relationship following the fact that they are and are with a partner who is putting in their very best to see that the relationship works.

Relationships are not perfect because humans are not perfect.

But when you are someone who is giving everything to become the best version of yourself and you are with someone who is also giving their best to be the best version of themselves, you can experience the closest thing to perfection in your relationship.

Unfortunately, it is rare to see people who enjoy this level of bliss in their relationships.

People are not willing to do the work to get the results.

And that is why for women, finding a man who is both real and faithful usually feels like winning a jackpot.

So every woman is on the lookout for a faithful man.

The question is: will you recognize a real and faithful man if you see one?

How can you tell that you are with a real and faithful man?

7 Signs You Are with a Real and Faithful Man

1. He’s Present

7 Signs You Are with a Real and Faithful Man

At what point in your life do you feel like someone is present in your life?

Because the time I struggled with loneliness in my life was the time I had a lot of people around me.

If we want to put it well, we will say I had a lot of people present in my life.

But were they really present?

Because why did I have people who I could gist with and laugh with but I still felt so lonely?

It felt like no one was truly there for me.

For example, if I needed help or support with something, I wouldn’t find it among the people present in my life.

Your being present goes beyond physically being there.

You need to be emotionally and mentally present, too.

And how will you know a person is present with you?

The thoughtfulness and mindfulness in their relationship with you.

A real man is emotionally and mentally present when he’s with you.

He will give you his full attention, listen to you, and engage in conversations with you.

Basically his way of telling you that he values the time he spends with you and is genuinely interested in you.


2. He’s Honest About His Feelings

7 Signs You Are with a Real and Faithful Man

When you see a man who is faithful to you, he will not hide his feelings for you.

Now you should know that it is not every man who does this.

I’m not talking about a man coming to woo you with lies just because he wants to get something from you.

Or a man randomly flirting with you.

I’m talking about a man baring himself to you.

Letting you see his real feelings and emotions.

A man who is not committed to you will not give you the opportunity to see you for who he really is.

He’ll bottle up his emotions and hide his feelings.

You won’t need to ask questions to know that you’re in a shallow relationship.

But a man who is faithful to you trusts you with his deep secrets because he wants to build a strong and firm connection with you.


3. He Respects Other Women

7 Signs You Are with a Real and Faithful Man

If you want to see a man’s real character, pay attention to how he treats other women when he doesn’t know you are watching.

Especially the women who are his subordinates.

He will definitely treat you right because he wants to stay in your good books.

So you can’t necessarily judge his character based on how he treats you.

But you can judge him based on how he treats other women.

A real man respects every woman—his friends, colleagues, or even a random stranger on the way.

He holds every woman in high esteem and you won’t find him in the midst of people who disrespect or objectify women.


4. He’s Committed to Personal Growth

7 Signs You Are with a Real and Faithful Man

A man who is dedicated to personal growth is more likely to be faithful.

Being committed to personal growth means being exposed to continuous improvement and learning.

And the more a person learns, the more their minds are shaped to the right behaviour.

The learning I’m talking about here is not the type professors invest in for career development.

Because with that kind of learning, a person may only improve their career but not their personal life.

A real and faithful man constantly works on becoming a better person and, by extension, a better partner.

Life only gets better with these kind of men.

Because the more they grow, the better they become.

And as they become better, it reflects in every area of their lives.


5. He Includes You in His Life

7 Signs You Are with a Real and Faithful Man

When you are with a real man, you are not only a part of a little fraction of his life.

You are a part of his whole life.

You know what goes on in his family, his work, his relationship with other people, etc.

There’s barely a part of his life that you are not a part of.

He will introduce you to his friends and family, take you to family gatherings and events, and make sure that everyone in his family treats you with respect.

You won’t see him make any important and major decisions without consulting you first.

Even when the decision does not directly concern you.

Once a man begins to do this, you can tell that he sees a future with you and is serious about your relationship.


6. He Apologizes and Makes Amends

7 Signs You Are with a Real and Faithful Man

Stay away from people who sing “I’m sorry” as their national anthem.

There’s one way to know whether a person is truly sorry or not.

And that way is repentance.

If a person is sorry about something they’ve done, they will turn away from it and try as much as possible to not do it anymore.

But you see people who say they are sorry about a thing now and are doing it again the next minute?

Avoid them.

Staying with these kinds of people will drag you into living in toxicity.

Everyone makes mistakes, but a faithful man acknowledges when he is wrong and makes an effort to make things right.

He does not stop at apologizing, he goes on to fix any harm he may have caused.


7. He’s Loyal Even When You’re Not Around

7 Signs You Are with a Real and Faithful Man

Loyalty and faithfulness in a relationship have nothing to do with whether you are in the same physical location.

A faithful man stays loyal to you whether you both are together or away from each other.

His stance is the same.

He won’t entertain other romantic interests or engage in behaviour that would betray your trust.

You won’t hear that your man flirted with one woman or another.

Or that he cheated on you.

And it is very funny how people have relaxed on the lie that all men cheat.

A real and faithful man won’t cheat on you, whether you believe it or not.

It’s just that you’ve been in relationships with roadside men and they have all cheated on you.

So you have come to the conclusion that all the men in the world are roadside men.

No, they are not.


I’d already declared my stance that there’s nothing like a perfect relationship.

Finding a real and faithful man does not mean you should look for perfection in your relationships.

Or you should look for a perfect man.


What you are on the lookout for are the outstanding qualities and the intentional efforts.

And I hope that when you find a real and faithful man, you are also a real and faithful woman, intentional enough to keep the relationship and the man you have found.

Because a real and faithful man won’t settle for mediocrity in his relationship.