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6 Signs You Are Meant to Be with Someone

6 Signs You Are Meant to Be with Someone

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I saw something on social media that made me laugh.

Someone said, “If I meet a prospective partner now, the next thing is going to be marriage. After marriage, we will get to know each other and probably date.”

Do you know how we get into a relationship with someone we like in the hope of seeing how things go?

Then, in the middle of the relationship, we begin to ask ourselves questions about the future of the relationship.

Questions like, “Am I meant to be with this person?

Can I build a long-term and long-lasting relationship with this person?

As things unfold, you will be able to answer this question sincerely.

We all know what we look for in a partner and a relationship—there is no one-size-fits-all standard for choosing a life partner.

But there are some generic signs that you should look out for if you are wondering if your partner is the one for you.

6 Signs You Are Meant to Be with Someone

1. You Feel Comfortable Being Yourself

Signs You Are Meant to Be with Someone

Away from finding a perfect match, can you be with someone who you do not feel comfortable around?

One of the strongest signs you’re meant to be with someone is the comfort of being your true self around them.

I believe that you should be able to be yourself around the person you love.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you must stay the way you are, but you should not feel the need to conceal your excesses and insufficiencies in front of your partner.

You should be able to grow, fail, try again, win, etc., with your partner.

There’s no pressure to be perfect or to conform to unrealistic standards.

You can be goofy, serious, vulnerable, or anything in between, and know that you’ll be accepted and loved just the same.

If you find yourself with someone with whom you are completely comfortable, that’s most likely your perfect match.


2. You Support Each Other’s Growth

Signs You Are Meant to Be with Someone

In your relationship, you both should encourage each other to grow.

One person should not be threatened by the other person’s growth and successes but should find joy in it.

In the same way, you should be there for each other, holding each other up during trying times.

This is how it is in a relationship meant to last—you both are there to cheer each other on through personal development and career goals, providing all the support necessary for each other to win.

You willingly include the finances needed for each other’s continuous improvement in the relationship’s budget and are willing to go the extra mile to see that you win.

When you support each other’s aspirations, you show that you’re invested in each other’s happiness and are committed to growing together, not apart.

3. You Can Handle Conflict Constructively

6 Signs You're Meant to Be with Someone

There’s no relationship without conflict.

As long as there are human interactions, there are bound to be misunderstandings, disagreements, and conflicts.

Even within ourselves, sometimes we find that we experience conflicts of desires and will.

So it’s normal.

The question is, how are conflicts handled?

If I were to give advice, I’d say that you should not match yourself or plan a long-term relationship with someone who cannot respect you through conflicts.

A person who resorts to name-calling, blaming, or holding grudges during conflicts feels like someone who will become very toxic in the long run.

You and your partner should be able to resolve conflicts in a very constructive and respectful manner.

If you find someone who shows maturity during conflicts and is able to hold respectful conversations even in the face of conflict, you may have found your perfect match.

If you are able to walk through rough patches together without causing harm to each other, you can know that your relationship is built on solid ground.


4. You Feel Like a Team

There is a situation in which you can be in a relationship with someone, yet you feel like you are walking alone.

I am of the opinion that if you find yourself in this kind of situation, you should review the relationship.

One way to know that you are meant to be with someone is that you should never feel alone.

It always feels like a two-man squad.

This way, you find that life’s challenges are more bearable.

You have a shoulder to lean on when life seems to be weighing you down, and there’s someone to hold you up when your strength fails.

Even successes and wins feel better and more joyful when you have someone to share them with.

Truth be told, we were made to walk alone in life as humans.

And that’s why we find that life is generally better when we have someone walking with us.

Decisions are made with both parties in mind, and there’s a sense of partnership in everything you do.

5. You Bring Out the Best in Each Other

Signs You Are Meant to Be with Someone

As mentioned in the first point, feeling comfortable being yourself around your partner does not mean staying the way you are.

In a healthy relationship, both parties encourage each other to be their best version.

Your partner should be able to motivate you to pursue your goals, adopt healthy habits, or overcome your fears.

When you have this in your relationship, you can rest assured that you are with someone who has a positive mind and is supportive of growth and continuous improvement.

Inadvertently, you should be able to inspire your partner to be their best.

As much as your partner is your greatest inspiration, you, too, should be their greatest and biggest inspiration.

When you both inspire growth in each other, you know that you can grow together and no one will be left behind.

What better way to build a relationship than this way?


6. You Share a Vision for the Future

6 Signs You're Meant to Be with Someone

Two people cannot walk together if they disagree.

If you want to know if the person you’re with is the one for you, you should consider your individual goals and values.

Do they align?

Are you walking on the same path?

Do you both have the same or similar vision for the future?

When you both share a vision, it is easier for you both to achieve your goals and maintain your values.

When you walk with someone whose values do not align with yours, it’s just a matter of time before you both have to part ways.

You can’t be on a ship that is not going to where you are going to.

Even if you follow all the way through, you’ll still need to board another ship that is going your way.

Otherwise, you will change your mind about your destination.


Frequently asked questions: “What if my partner exhibits some but not all of these signs?

I do not believe in perfect relationships.

I encourage and believe in intentional relationships.

As a person, you know what it is that you want.

You know what you can stand and what you cannot tolerate at all.

So, you must decide whether your man exhibits any of these signs.

The only thing I’d say is that you should prioritize your health and well-being in all your choices and decisions in life.

Whatever you are doing, make sure that you are in good health and sound mind.

It is only a person who is alive, and well that can love and be loved.