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7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

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Who is a strong woman?

A female boxer? Or a female wrestler?

I think this phrase is one that is used very often in this age.

The idea of a “strong woman” has become a celebrated ideal.

However, strong women are not necessarily women who have a strong muscular build.

They are women who are independent, assertive, and self-sufficient.

They are leaders, trailblazers, and role models.

Women who know what they want in life will not turn around until they’ve gotten it.

Although these women have many admirable qualities, they often find themselves facing loneliness.

We often expect that the most admired are the most loved and associated with.

It is a paradox that we have found hard to understand.

Why would someone so capable and powerful feel alone?

Not just feel alone, but is actually alone for most of the time?

When you have questions plaguing you, you must go on to find answers.

We had to go all out to find these answers that we have provided in one piece for you here.

Let’s see.

7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

1. High Standards and Expectations

7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

Many strong women often have high standards and expectations.

They’ve raised their bar so high, and deservingly so because they put in the work that is needed to keep them at the level they’ve attained.

And their expectations are not just for themselves but also for those around them.

These women know what they want in life and pursue it without looking back.

They are not willing to settle for anything less.

So it is either you’re in their league or you’re not.

However, their high standards have made it challenging for them to find a partner who meets their criteria.

Some men will say they are being picky, for strong women, but they are actually looking for someone who matches their level of ambition, intellect, and drive.

Because a man who does not match their ambition or is not more ambitious than they are will seek ways to bring them down or tame their ambitions.


2. The Misconception of Not Needing Anyone

7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

No matter how strong a person is, regardless of their gender, they cannot survive without the help of others.

Everybody needs somebody.

However, there’s a common misconception that strong women don’t need anyone.

Whatever makes people believe that I do not know.

And this belief can deter people from reaching out to her in times of need or offering support.

Because according to them, she is a strong woman; she can handle everything on her own.

It is very wrong.

Because this is a woman who is always there for everyone.

But when she needs help, she doesn’t get it. They spread this misconception until she starts feeling isolated.

Strong women or not, everyone needs emotional support and companionship.


3. Prioritizing Career Over Relationships

7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

I saw a social media thread in which a man said, “Women are given two options in their 20s: get married or pursue a career.”

The shocker is when he went on to say that people who choose the latter end up being lonely in their 60s.

It feels and sounds really absurd, but that man is echoing the thoughts of so many men.

It is the 21st century, and there are still several men who think that women cannot do both career and marriage.

As soon as they see a career woman, they label her anti-marriage.

However, career success is a significant focus for many strong women.

Climbing the corporate ladder, achieving personal goals, and breaking through glass ceilings will always require immense dedication and time.

A woman can comfortably do a career and marriage if she creates a balance for herself.

But many strong women take their dedication to career success at the expense of personal relationships.

The man who posted that thread had probably encountered one of these women.


4. Unwillingness to Compromise

7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

So many things lead to a woman losing her willingness to shift her grounds on things.

Some women have been really really taken advantage of.

You do not want to hear their story.

Some people are just mean.

As soon as they see that you are willing to compromise, they push you and take advantage of you until you begin to feel used.

When a woman experiences this repeatedly, she develops a strong sense of self-will and determination to live life on her own terms.

Compromise is a very important part of any healthy relationship.

But when these women find it hard to compromise on certain aspects of their lives or values, they may become lonely in the long run.

Their strong sense of self makes it difficult to find common ground with others, leading to fewer close relationships.


5. Emotional Exhaustion

7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

When you are that one person who keeps giving and giving but is never receiving, you will soon dry out.

I like to use the illustration of a tank of water that keeps giving and giving and is never refilled.

One day, the tap knob will be turned on and nothing will come forth.

Being strong all the time can be emotionally exhausting.

Constantly being the one who holds everything together and everyone up can lead to burnout.

As you are holding people up, who is holding you up?

You must yield yourself to be helped by others no matter how below you that may be.

When one becomes emotionally drained, they begin to withdraw from social interactions, which can contribute to feelings of loneliness.


6. Misjudged Independence

7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

I’m one woman who likes to be independent and dependent at the same time.

I’m not a strong woman, but I try to avoid being a burden to anyone as much as possible.

Still, I like to be babied and pampered at all times.

So, independence in a woman doesn’t always mean that she is not open to being in a relationship or being dependent.

However, some people misjudge independence in strong women as aloofness or a lack of interest in forming relationships.

People sometimes believe that a strong woman’s self-sufficiency means she prefers solitude.

Meanwhile, in reality, many strong women would like to be in a sound relationship but find it challenging to communicate this need due to their independent nature.

Sometimes, they do not want to seem like a burden, and other times, they are afraid of being rejected.


7. Difficult Past Experiences

7 Reasons Why a Strong Woman Is Usually Lonely

Sometimes, a woman’s difficult past experiences have made her a strong woman.

This is not completely bad, except that as much as it has shaped their strength, it has also left some deep emotional scars.

If they do not invest time and intentionality into healing, many times, they are haunted by trust issues and the fear of repeating past mistakes.

This makes it difficult for them to open themselves up to new possibilities and new relationships.

They’d rather stay by themselves than put themselves in a position where old wounds are reopened.

So they may not consciously know this, but it is one of the reasons why they are lonely.

Because even when well-meaning men try to get into a relationship with them, the idea that every man is a potential risk will make them behave in ways that will chase him.


We’ve discovered that a strong woman is lonely based on three major issues.

A combination of societal expectations, personal traits, and life experiences.

Strength and independence are valuable qualities, but they can also create barriers to forming close, intimate relationships.

As a strong woman, you must be able to create a balance in your life.

Build yourself around a community that appreciates strength and encourages vulnerability.

This is one way you can find the connections you need to combat loneliness.