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6 Reasons Why a Guy Asks About Your Boyfriend

6 Reasons Why a Guy Asks About Your Boyfriend

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Has a guy ever asked you if you have a boyfriend?

How did it make you feel?

I remember when a guy asked me if I had a boyfriend. 

It was funny and surprising. 

I was single, so I said I didn’t. 

He didn’t believe me anyway. 

He said I usually behave like someone with a man, and he only hoped I’d admit it. 

Share your experience. 

Did you wonder why he was asking you the question?

Or do you think it is perfectly normal for a guy to ask you about your relationship status in the middle of a random conversation?

Or are you like me, who would first wonder, “Why is this man asking me this question?”

Men are a different species on their own. 

It requires special skills to understand them.

So there are several reasons a man will ask you about your relationship status. 

Let’s consider some of the common reasons.

6 Reasons Why a Guy Asks About Your Boyfriend

1. He’s Interested in You Romantically

6 Reasons Why a Guy Asks About Your Boyfriend

I was eavesdropping on a man’s conversation on a public bus when I heard him say that one of the first questions he asks a woman he is interested in is, “Do you have a man?”

And he said he asks her that because he doesn’t want to have a romantic relationship entangled with a woman who already has a man. 

Judging from that conversation and other elements, we can say that one of the most common reasons a guy might ask if you have a boyfriend is that he is interested in you romantically. 

He wants to know if you are available to mingle and if he stands a chance to date you. 

The truth is, whether a man asks you this directly or not, it is one of the first things he tries to find out when he is interested in you. 

His findings will help him know if he should make a move or if he should draw boundaries. 


2. He Wants to Avoid Awkwardness Later On

6 Reasons Why a Guy Asks About Your Boyfriend

There’s this awkwardness that comes with walking on a woman’s boyfriend for the first time when you didn’t even know she was in a relationship. 

Some men are very liberal when it comes to their relationship with women.

They’ll flirt, call them endearing names, and even say sweet things to them. 

They can do all these things but still do not have romantic interests in the woman. 

So imagine behaving like this with a woman in a relationship.

If the woman does not know where to draw the line, he will most likely create trouble in her relationship. 

A man who is liberal and wants to avoid unnecessary troubles would usually want to know if the woman he is interacting with is in a relationship. 

This way, he is able to draw boundaries and adjust his behavior accordingly. 

It will also help him avoid falling in love with her in the future, as there will be no room for mixed signals. 


3. He’s Trying to Gauge Your Level of Commitment

6 Reasons Why a Guy Asks About Your Boyfriend

When a guy asks about your boyfriend, he might not just be looking for a yes or no answer. 

He could be trying to understand how serious you are about your current relationship. 

And your response will definitely give you away. 

If you have lost interest in your current relationship and are looking for a way out, your response to the question will reflect this. 

It will also reflect your response if you’re fully committed to your relationship. 

From there, he can decide if your relationship is serious or not and decide how he will shoot his shot if he has an interest in you. 

Or to back out if you speak so highly of your boyfriend. 


4. He’s Just Making a Conversation

6 Reasons Why a Guy Asks About Your Boyfriend

Not every question has a hidden agenda. 

Sometimes, when a guy asks about your boyfriend, he is just looking for topics to keep the conversation going or a conversation starter. 

So before you begin to make assumptions about why he is asking you the question, check how he flows with the conversation. 

Check his interest level in the information you give him.

Some people might not remember your response after they have left. 

But because of the pressure to hold a conversation at that time, he will ask you any question that comes to his mind. 

And the question about your boyfriend might just be what comes at that time. 

Or if he is getting to know you, he might also raise this question. 

If he wants to know you, he might as well know as much as he is allowed to. 


5. He’s Picking Stories for Gossip

6 Reasons Why a Guy Asks About Your Boyfriend

I know everyone says it’s women who gossip and will always be found gossiping at round tables. 

But that’s only because they only listen in for the women’s conversation. 

I know the numbers are few, but there are men who are chief gossip. 

In fact, their gossip groups sometimes send them out to pick up stories.

And because they are men, it is easier for them to get that information because people usually would not suspect that they are seeking the information for gossip.

So, in some instances, a guy might ask about your boyfriend because he’s fishing for gossip.

Maybe he’s heard rumors about your relationship and wants to confirm them directly. 

This is more common in close-knit groups or workplaces where personal lives are usually topics of conversation. 


6. He’s Checking for His Friend

6 Reasons Why a Guy Asks About Your Boyfriend

I think this happens a lot with the male folks. 

If your man is beginning to have doubts about his place in your life, he may send his friend to ask you about your relationship status. 

For this to be effective, he will send someone you do not know to ask you about your relationship status. 

And like in the movies, he will come to you as someone who is looking to befriend you. 

Then, after interacting with you for a while, he will ask the question that brought him to you. 

If you are in a place in your relationship where you’re looking for a way out or are not faithful to your boyfriend, you will be discovered at this point. 

My advice? 

Stay faithful to your partner, and if you are tired of your relationship and unwilling to work it out anymore, break up with your man before he sends someone your way. 


These are some of the reasons why a man would be interested in knowing if you have a boyfriend.

But you can’t just decide which reason applies to your situation, so you have to go the extra mile to ask him why he is interested in your relationship status. 

You can also understand his intentions through the context of the conversation, his body language, and the way he follows up after asking the question. 

If he seems genuinely interested in you, respects your boundaries, and continues to engage with you even after learning about your boyfriend, his intentions are likely respectful and sincere.

On the other hand, if he seems jealous or dismissive, his question might stem from personal insecurities or ulterior motives.

You are also free to decide how you respond based on your comfort level and your perception of the conversation’s context.