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9 Things Women Do When They Are Flirting With You

9 Things Women Do When They Are Flirting With You

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I think the signs of flirting are the same for both men and women.

Maybe with a slight difference.

It may be subtle, complex, or completely obvious, depending on the person and the situation.

The thing about women’s flirting is that they may flirt more subtly, so you may not be sure whether or not she’s flirting with you.

This is because she may be trying to avoid the stereotypes surrounding the relationship between women and men: the fact that women are not supposed to be forward about their feelings for men, or they’ll be seen as desperate. 

I think about this particular stereotype, and I feel pain for the women. 

Because a woman who takes this very seriously may need to keep waiting for a man she likes to declare interest in her before she is able to have anything with him. 

Unfortunately, sometimes she waits and may even watch him choose another woman over her. 

And she won’t be able to do anything about it.

I truly appreciate women who use flirting to declare their interest in a man, even if their flirting is subtle. 

It yields much more results than if she just stays and does nothing about her feelings for the man. 

It may not be easy to decipher whether a woman is flirting with you, but it’s not beyond us. 

So today, we will walk you through sure signs that a woman is flirting with you. 

9 Things Women Do When They Are Flirting With You

1. Playful Teasing or Banter

Things Women Do When They Are Flirting With You

One of the most common ways to know that a woman is flirting with you is playful teasing. 

Women may become shy and unable to be direct with their flirting, so they’ll start with lighthearted banter and teasing. 

You’ll find her joking a lot with you and laughing at your jokes (even when they’re not that funny). 

Teasing is an easy way to establish rapport, break the ice, and create a connection. 

So your first bet, when she begins to be playful around you more often than usual, is that she is getting comfortable or seeking to get comfortable with you. 


2. Touching Her Hair or Playing with Jewelry

9 Things Women Do When They’re Flirting With You

This one is common among younger ladies. 

A woman twirling her hair or playing with a necklace or bracelet while talking to you. 

The thing is, she may not even notice that she’s doing that. 

She gets a bit nervous or excited being around you, so she turns her attention to playing with her hair or her jewelry to calm down. 

She may have progressed from nervous and excited to deliberately touching herself during conversations to draw your attention to her. 

Either way, this gesture is a sign of flirting. 


3. Laughing a Lot

9 Things Women Do When They’re Flirting With You

Some women laugh a lot. 

I’m an example.

I like to laugh. 

But I think you’ll know when the laughter is a sign of flirting. 

First of all you’ll notice she doesn’t laugh a lot with everyone. 

So she’s laughing more often and more easily than she normally would. 

The funny thing is that she might not even find you funny; she might just be looking for a way to create a more positive, warm atmosphere between you two.

Someone said that laughter is a way of showing approval, comfort, and connection. 

I agree. 

If she is finding everything you say funny, she’s probably flirting and enjoying the interaction.


4. Prolonged Eye Contact

9 Things Women Do When They’re Flirting With You

They say that the eyes are the window to a person’s soul. 

And we know that if we have access to a person’s soul, we have access to their emotions and intentions

Eyes are often the window to a person’s intentions. 

When a woman holds eye contact with you for longer than usual, she may be interested in you. 

All that stealing of glances and holding your gaze when you catch her looking are enough evidence. 

Looking into someone’s eyes for an extended period can create a sense of intimacy and connection and is usually one of the clearest signs of attraction.


5. Finding Excuses to Touch You

Women are not very physical people. 

They are more emotional than physical.

A man may touch women randomly, but a woman will seldom touch a man she’s not interested in. 

So if a woman keeps looking for ways to make physical contact with you—whether it’s a light touch on your arm while laughing, brushing past you “accidentally,” or giving you a friendly pat on the shoulder—you can bet she’s romantically interested in you.

Women often use these subtle touches as a way to test the waters and gauge your reaction. 

Of course, if you respond positively, she will take it as a cue to increase the level of physical contact.

If it is negative, you won’t need to tell her to stop before she does. 


6. Complimenting You

9 Things Women Do When They’re Flirting With You

Compliments are an obvious but often overlooked sign of flirting. 

It is overlooked because some people get compliments very often, and some people enjoy complimenting others.

But as basic as compliments have become, if a woman compliments you too often, you can take that as a sign.

She’s trying to make you feel good and show you that she’s paying attention to you.

Compliments, in addition to showing admiration, can also help build rapport.


7. Mirroring Your Movements

9 Things Women Do When They’re Flirting With You

Mirroring is when someone subconsciously mimics the actions, gestures, or posture of the person they’re attracted to.

This is something I find very interesting about romantic attraction.

How can people who are attracted to each other mirror each other without even being conscious of it?

This shows how much they are attuned to each other. 

So you can also pay attention to that if you want to know if she’s flirting with you. 

Is she adopting your movements?

Crossing her legs when you cross yours or picking up her drink when you do?

Looks like she’s into you. 


8. Leaning In When You Talk

Why else do you want to be so close with a person if you’re not trying to declare your romantic interests?

I know people can lean in when they are interested in what you’re saying and not necessarily in you.

But is everything you’re saying that interesting to pull that kind of force?

Leaning in is a way to create intimacy—or a sense of it.

It looks like they’re coming closer to hear you more, but what they’re actually doing is closing up the physical space between you. 

Maybe also wanting to take in your scent in order to have a better memory of you. 


9. Asking Personal Question

When someone is interested in you, they naturally want to get to know you better. 

Why does she want to know stuff about me?

Why is she asking all these personal questions?

She wants to know everything about your interests, your background, your family, and even your dreams—she’s obviously trying to create a deeper connection.

I know that everyone asks questions in conversation, but you’ll notice that her questions are channeled at revealing more about who you are as a person. 


I think it is important that we talk about context. 

While all of these signs can point to flirting, the context really matters. 

Some women are naturally more touchy, playful, or smiley, and so behaving this way may not mean they have a romantic interest in you. 

But if you notice any of these signs and you’re interested in her as well, you should reciprocate the gesture in a way that feels comfortable for both of you. 

This will help you confirm if she’s truly interested in you, and will encourage her that her labor is not in vain. 

If she does not see positive feedback from you immediately, she may quit trying and lose hope. 

This is why you must also not lead her on if you’re not genuinely interested in her.