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7 Obvious Signs He Does Not Like You

7 Obvious Signs He Does Not Like You

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I am a woman, and I’ve been around for a while. 

And in my honest opinion, it is not too hard to tell if a man likes you or not. 

Sometimes, we like to live in self-deceit, trying to create scenarios that do not exist and unnecessary excuses for people who do not deserve it. 

Just because you like a man does not mean that he likes you, too.

Again, there are also honest situations where understanding a man’s feelings can be confusing.

For instance, when you cannot precisely tell whether he likes you or is just being polite and a bit too friendly.

And even in this situation, you wouldn’t need to ask too many questions if they are invested in you. 

So, if you’re feeling unsure about where you stand with a guy, it’s important to discover the signs early on. 

The last thing you want is to invest your time and emotions into someone who isn’t as interested as you might hope.

In this article, we will help you spot the signs that he may not be as into you as you’d like. 

7 Obvious Signs He Doesn’t Like You

1. He Doesn’t Make Time for You

Signs He Does Not Like You

Admit it, or yes, a man who likes you will never hesitate to make time for you. 

It won’t be a thing of debate. 

People naturally prioritize things they care about.

They’ll go out of their way and do their best to ensure you’re happy. 

So, if your man is consistently too busy or cancels plans often, it’s a red flag. 

Sure, everyone is busy; everyone has obligations—work, family, friends—but if he’s really into you, he’ll find a way to fit you into his schedule.

All the excuses he gives about being “swamped” at work or always suggesting vague plans that never seem to materialize are just what they are—excuses. 

If his calendar is too packed for you, we’re not talking about bad timing; we’re talking about priority.


2. Conversations Feel One-Sided

Signs He Does Not Like You

Why do you spend so much time texting someone who is clearly not feeling your vibes?

Or do I also need to tell you that the guy is not interested in your endless talks?

Why do you text him long messages only to get a single-word reply? 

Or why do you ask questions to get to know him better, but he doesn’t seem to engage or show interest in your life? 

You don’t need to do that much for a man who likes you. 

If it feels like you’re pulling teeth just to have a conversation with a man, it’s a strong sign that he’s not emotionally invested.

Let him be; he is not interested. 

When someone likes you, they’ll want to keep the conversation going.

They’ll ask about your day, and show genuine interest in what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling. 

So if you drive every interaction, that balance is off.


3. He Doesn’t Flirt Back

Signs He Does Not Like You

You’re flirting with a man who likes you, and he’s standing like a statue?

No interest, no response?

He does not like you. 

To the best of my knowledge, flirting is a natural way to show romantic interest. 

You wouldn’t even know when you start flirting with the person you like. 

But in this relationship, you’re the one initiating the light banter, teasing, or playful conversations, doing the most, and your man is not even giving back the energy.

You drop hints, compliment him, or even try to create a fun, flirty atmosphere, but he is just there, keeping things dry and platonic.

You wouldn’t need to try half as much if he likes you. 


4. He Talks About Other Women

Signs He Does Not Like You

One thing I’ve learned about men is that if they have an interest in you, they won’t talk to you about other women. 

If a guy you’re interested in keeps bringing up other women in conversations—whether they’re friends, exes, or someone new—that’s your sign that he’s not focused on you. 

When a guy likes you, he’ll naturally make it a point to focus on you. 

However, if he’s comfortable sharing details about other women, it shows that he doesn’t see you as a romantic option. 

Worse is if he views you as someone to confide in about his love life, which is not a position you want to be in if you’re hoping for something more.


5. Body Language Tells a Different Story

Signs He Does Not Like You

Men talk more with their actions than their words. 

You may wait for a man to say something to you in words, and you’ll never hear him say it. 

Instead, he’ll say everything he wants to speak with his actions. 

He might say a little, but his words never tell the whole story.

But you can bank on his body language as a dead giveaway. 

How does he behave when you’re together?

Does he keep his distance, avoiding physical contact like hugs or playful touches? 

Because if a man is into you, he’ll naturally gravitate towards you—he’ll lean in during conversations, maintain eye contact, and find excuses to touch you.

On the other hand, if he’s keeping his arms crossed, facing away from you, or not engaging in any form of touch, he doesn’t feel romantically inclined to you.


6. He Doesn’t Go the Extra Mile

Signs He Does Not Like You

We don’t teach people in love how to love. 

They know it by themselves and go the extra mile to make sure that the ones they love are happy. 

And we know how much little but thoughtful gestures say about a person’s feelings. 

When a guy likes you, he’ll find ways to impress, surprise, or make your life easier. 

You wouldn’t need to tell him how he should do it. 

But if you need to tell him (and I don’t think you will tell him), if he’s not making any effort to do nice things for you, you don’t need to ask many questions—he’s not that invested in you. 

If he only sees you when it’s convenient for him and puts in minimal effort, you should begin some reevaluation. 


7. He Makes You Feel Uncertain

Signs He Does Not Like You

I’ll tell you this for free. 

Rest easy if a man gives you the idea that he likes you today and does something else tomorrow. 

He is not serious about you. 

When a guy genuinely likes you, he’ll make sure you know it. 

You won’t have to question or second-guess his intentions because his actions will show his interest.

So, if you are always asking questions:

Does he like me?

What does he want from me?

Constantly wondering and overanalyzing every interaction, he’s giving you mixed signals. 

And a man who is confident and interested in you won’t leave you guessing.


As soon as you accept the truth that not every relationship is meant to be, you have started your journey into being okay. 

Many times, we put ourselves through unnecessary troubles and trauma just because we want something that isn’t ours. 

You must not have it. 

Trust your instincts—if something feels off, it probably is. 

I’ll say it for the umpteenth time in this post: the right person won’t make you question your worth or their feelings; they’ll make it clear that they want to be with you.