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6 Weekend Rituals to Improve Your Relationship

6 Weekend Rituals to Improve Your Relationship

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You know how people can get so busy that they barely have time for their relationship and love life? 

If you are in the younger generation you may be wondering how this is possible, but if you are an older person, you sure should be able to relate with this. 

Maintaining a healthy and loving relationship actually does require more than just day-to-day communication and cohabitation (for people cohabitating). 

You could be living in the same house with the love of your life, yet you are distant from each other. 

Tell me about hectic work schedules and the various demands of daily life.

It is very easy to get caught up in routines that do not necessarily nurture your relationships. 

A relationship needs intentionality. 

Deliberate effort channeled at making the relationship work. 

If you are 9 to 5er, weekends present the perfect opportunity to invest time in strengthening your bond. 

You may decide that weekend is the only time you have to do things for yourself and all so there is not extra time left to invest into your relationship, but that decision is only great if you are not looking at building and sustaining a healthy relationship. 

However, if you are intentional about building your relationship and you want to take advantage of the weekends, here are things you can do to help you stay focused on your goal. 

6 Weekend Rituals to Improve Your Relationship

1. Start the Day Together

6 Weekend Rituals to Improve Your Relationship

There’s something incredibly bonding about beginning the day together. 

Especially when you both have get out of bed before each other and run off to work or the business of the day without so much as talking to each other. 

You can make it a weekend ritual to share your first cup of coffee or have breakfast together. 

Aside from eating together, you both can do a weekend morning prayer/meditation together. 

You can also do a weekend morning workout routine together. 

There are a number of things you both can decide to do. 

If you both are geographically restrained, you can keep the FaceTime or video call open while you share weekend morning activities together. 

It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate—the goal is to share the connection and a sense of togetherness.

Use this time to talk about your plans for the day, share a laugh, or simply enjoy each other’s company without the distractions of phones or television.


2. Exercise Together

6 Weekend Rituals to Improve Your Relationship

This has already been highlighted in the first point. 

But I’m pretty aware that not everyone does their workout in the morning, hence the need to reemphasize. 

Physical activity is not just good for your body; it’s also great for your relationship. 

Exercising releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that boost your mood. 

So, who better to share this experience with other than your partner? 

You both can register in a gym for the weekends and motivate each other to follow through consistently. 

If you’re not up for anything serious, you can also decide to walk together in the early morning or late evening.

And if you are among the people who like to go the extra mile, you can decide to have a yoga session (I know that I am not a member of this team).

So, you get to strengthen your relationship and motivate each other towards common health goals. 

Plus, spending time outdoors or in a different environment can spark new conversations and ideas, making your relationship even more enjoyable.


3. Cook a Meal Together

6 Weekend Rituals to Improve Your Relationship

I have a funny cooking story. 

I do not like cooking, except when cooking for my man. 

But if I have the opportunity to cook with my man every single time, then it might just be my favorite thing to do. 

Cooking together as a couple just hits differently every time. 

It is both a fun and intimate experience. 

So you can include cooking a special meal together over the weekend in your plans. 

Dinner on Friday night to kick off the weekend or brunch on Sunday morning. 

If you spend weekends cooking and stocking the freezer for the week, Saturday may be a great day for this. 

You can also add extra excitement to it by choosing a recipe neither of you has ever tried. 

For me, the major catch when cooking together is always lighthearted moments and playful banter. 

What is a relationship if you both do not play together? 


4. Have a Date Night In

6 Weekend Rituals to Improve Your Relationship

Have you ever had an indoor date night?

Don’t judge me. Going out for a date night is lovely. 

You get to experience something different from the usual.

But hear me, there’s something intimate and relaxing about having a date night at home. 

You get the opportunity to be yourselves while having an exclusive time together. 

There is an unending list of things you both can do together at this time. 

You could see a movie, play games, sip and paint, order a special meal and eat together. 

Another thing I enjoy about indoor dates is that they awaken creativity in us. 

We want to do everything to make the date time outstanding and beautiful. 

You both get to spend the planning and preparation time together before having the actual date. 

Set aside one night every now and then for just the two of you as a weekend ritual.

Turn off your phones, set the mood with some candles, and enjoy each other’s company without outside distractions. 


5. Plan a Mini Adventure

6 Weekend Rituals to Improve Your Relationship

I don’t know where you both are or how interesting and exciting your city is, but I sure do know that after you’ve been in a place for a while, it begins to lose its flavor. 

But there are still thousands of exciting things in the world for you both to see. 

And why not?

You both are really busy people, but there’s the weekend for you to plan and carry out a mini adventure together. 

Did you know that you might be in a place filled with adventure, but you do not get to experience it because of your busy schedule? 

So you may not even need to leave your immediate city to explore a new place together. 

Choose a place or an activity you both have never been to or participated in, and decide to go there during the weekend.

Instead of making this a one-off event, you can include it repeatedly in your weekend schedule. 

There’s so much of the world you haven’t seen yet. 


6. Have a Check-In Conversation

6 Weekend Rituals to Improve Your Relationship

I think it is just right that you stay up to date with what’s going on in your partner’s life so that you’re not frequently caught by surprise. 

However, a busy schedule can make it difficult to keep tabs on your partner’s daily activities.

Plus, relationships are at their best when there is open communication. 

So, you should set aside time during the weekend for what I’ll call a “check-in” conversation. 

So here you get to catch up from when you stopped. 

Ask your partner about how they are feeling, how their week went, and if there’s anything they need. 

Having these conversations helps both of you know that you are part of each other’s lives. 

It shows commitment to each other and creates a safe space for both partners to express themselves, making them feel heard and understood. 

At this point, you also get to address minor issues before they become significant problems.


The goal of having weekend rituals to improve your relationship is to ensure that you both are making an effort to nurture your relationship. Love is not just a feeling; it is an action. 

These weekend rituals are very good love actions, showing your partner that you cherish and value your time together.

They provide an opportunity to reconnect, communicate, and strengthen your emotional bond.

There are no rules, and there are no limitations; this post is just here to guide you.

The bottom line is to intentionally make time for each other no matter how busy your schedule is.