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6 Ways to Make a Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games

6 Ways to Make a Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games

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Unpopular opinion: women are on the unfortunate side of relationships and marriage. 

Don’t walk out on me yet. 

Let me explain. 

I live in a part of the world where the norm is having men ask for a woman’s hand for relationships or marriage. 

It is the man who asks. 

Judging from this norm, a woman literally has to try as much as she can to put everything in place, then stand aside and wait for a man to ask her. 

Even if she’s bold enough to approach the man to ask him, he’ll still need to be the one to come to her officially. 

So, in any case, if a man does not ask for a woman’s hand in marriage or a relationship, she may stay single and lonely until she finds a man who is interested in her enough to want to be with her. 

With these few points, today’s post aims to make the job a bit easier for women. 

The concept of making someone chase you has often been tied to playing hard-to-get or using mind games. 

But let’s face it: no one enjoys mind games. 

It’s old-fashioned and really exhausting for men at this busy age. 

So let’s help you. 

How can you make a man genuinely interested in you and chase you without playing mind games?

6 Ways to Make a Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games

1. Be Your Authentic Self

Ways to Make a Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games

Do you like a man, and you want him to chase you, but you don’t want to play mind games with him?

The first and most important thing you must do is be genuine. 

This probably sounds simple and obvious, but have you noticed how many people feel the need to be someone they’re not just to impress someone else?

Today, it feels like it is so difficult to find someone who is truly authentic and original. 

So much so that when you find one, it feels like you’ve struck gold. 

But it shouldn’t be so. 

Authenticity is attractive because everyone was created with their fair share of beauty and uniqueness. 

There’s something you possess that every other person does not. 

It is your duty to hone your uniqueness and polish it until it shines really bright for everyone to see and love. 

Authenticity shows people that you’re comfortable in your skin, and I tell you the truth, this usually stands out more than a striking physical appearance. 


2. Cultivate Your Interests and Passions

Ways to Make a Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games

As someone who does a lot of business with men, I can tell you from years of watching and studying men that they love women who are passionate about their own lives. 

An average woman thinks she will attract a man if she dumps her interests and focuses on his.

It doesn’t work that way. 

They want to see you pursue something you are passionate about and win while at it. 

They want you to have something they can support you through and boast to people about. 

Go round to ask women who lost their lives in pursuit of a man and relationship how it is going for them. 

Having something you’re genuinely excited about also tells him that you do not need him to get your life going. 

You’re already living a fulfilling life, and this alone makes you even more exciting and engaging.  

When a guy sees that you have a rich and vibrant life, he’ll naturally want to be a part of it.


3. Exude Confidence

Ways to Make a Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games

I have not seen any place where confidence didn’t get a free pass. 

I should quickly add that confidence isn’t the same thing as arrogance. 

Arrogance is being rude and thinking of yourself more highly than everyone else. 

Meanwhile, confidence means having a healthy level of self-respect and belief in yourself.

You know your worth and value, and do not cower in the face of a challenge. 

It means not settling for anything less than you deserve.

There’s no way you will walk into a room with your head held high and a genuine smile that people won’t notice.

Some women have the habit of settling for anything. 

They do not believe they are worthy of the best, so they carry themselves as mediocre and allow others to do the same. 

No man wants to be with a mediocre woman. 

Every man wants a woman who commands respect and attention. 

They want a woman who turns heads when walking by, a woman who knows her worth and does not depend on his validation for her self-assurance. 


4. Maintain a Bit of Mystery

Ways to Make a Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games

I am a woman, and I cringe at women whose lives are a public show. 

Everybody knows everything about you. 

That’s not a mindful way to live life as a woman. 

Being a bit mysterious doesn’t mean that you should hide things that you should be open and honest about with your man. 

But just because you should be open and honest doesn’t mean you should give this man all your life from the beginning. 

If he sees you finish at the beginning, what is he supposed to chase?

Allow a man the opportunity to unravel you bit by bit, day after day. 

The more he knows about you, the more he wants to know. 

Let him actually be interested in your life. 

Being a bit mysterious makes you attractive to him and keeps him engaged while trying to know about you. 

Play your cards well, and he’ll chase after you before he even realizes it. 


5. Have a Positive Attitude

Ways to Make a Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games

I know of a man who keeps telling everyone who cares to listen that his wife’s positive outlook was the one thing that made him pursue her before marriage. 

He says, “Everything may be going south, but as soon as she steps into the room, everything falls in place.” 

Positivity is contagious. 

And there’s something about it that assures people that everything will be alright. 

The positive person does not have to do anything other than be around.

Everything else seems to fall into place automatically as soon as they step into the room. 

People are naturally drawn to those who have a bright and uplifting outlook on life. 

Life is already a challenge in itself and most men are burdened with so much responsibilities that weigh them down. 

It is such a beautiful thing for them when they find a woman who eases their stress and gives them the strength they need to keep going. 

They’d rather chase a woman who brings light into their lives rather than drama or negativity.


6. Take Care of Your Appearance

6 Way to Make a Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games

Dirty people are repulsive. 

This is not to shame anyone at all. 

I discovered that being a clean or a dirty person has nothing to do with the money in your bank account. 

Even the poorest of the poor can be clean people with an inviting outlook, and the wealthiest person can still look like a beggar on the streets. 

As a woman, it is your responsibility to take care of your appearance as much as possible. 

Wear clean clothes and clean undergarments. 

Have a regular bath and wear deodorant. 

You can go the extra mile and wear good perfume. 

Apply a lotion on your skin after a bath. 

If you can afford it, invest in a good skincare journey. 

Taking care of your appearance does not mean that you need to look like a supermodel or conform to societal beauty standards. 

But that man wants to see that you care about yourself. 

Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident and nurture your health. 

When you take care of yourself, you are already radiating self-respect and confidence, which is a very attractive trait to others. 

Men will always appreciate a woman who values herself and takes pride in her appearance.


The goal here is not to get a man to chase you; you’re not a thief. 

The goal is to spark a fire of genuine interest in him that will lead to you both forming a meaningful and healthy relationship built on mutual respect and interest.

So when he actually starts to chase you, you should not take that as an opportunity to play hard-to-get. 

Your man may not be as patient as he looks. 

Without looking desperate, open up to him as he comes to you and gives you the chance to be in a graceful and beautiful relationship. 

And the things you did that attracted him to you keep at it while in the relationship if you want to build a long-lasting relationship.