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7 Things to Talk About with Your Husband

7 Things to Talk About with Your Husband

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I’m not married, but I have first hand information that married people spend more time talking in marriage more than they spend doing anything else.

You’re at home with your spouse, you both are talking.

You go out and are away from each other for a while, you call each other or text each other and talk.

Even while they’re engaging in other activities, they are still talking.

So it is a continuous flow of communication that never ends.

Even when they are not actively talking to each other, there is still the silent nonverbal communication going on in the background.

And if you are able to have this continuous communication and sharing of thoughts, feelings, and experiences with your husband, it will help you both maintain a strong and intimate connection.

Because the more you talk, the more you know your husband.

And the more you know him, the better you are able to relate with him.

But do married people run out of things to talk about?

Do you wonder what exactly it is you should be talking to your husband about to help you both stay connected and understand each other better?

Conversations are usually spontaneous and happen with the spur of the moment, but here are some things you can focus on and discuss with your husband for better connection.

7 Things to Talk About with Your Husband

1. Daily Experiences

8 Things to Sort Before You Go into a Relationship

This is always an interesting thing to talk about.

Especially if you and your husband live different work lives and have different experiences during the day.

Bringing home a report of your day on a daily basis creates a good base for conversations.

It also shows that you want your husband to be a part of your day and that’s why you are walking him through your experiences throughout the day.

There are some parts of the conversation that will even hint to him that you have been thinking about him all day.

These seemingly little gestures that people often take for granted goes a long way to show your husband how much you truly love him and are connected to him.

It also helps him to know when all is not well with you because when he asks you about your day, you give a cold “nothing happened” response.

He can easily tell at that point that something actually happened.

Finally, you are able to keep him up to date with the events in your life.

2. Dreams and Aspirations

8 Things to Sort Before You Go into a Relationship

It is also a very interesting thing to talk to your husband about your dreams and aspirations.

This is one of the basic things you both should talk about before getting married.

Because they have to align with his own for you both to even build a healthy marriage.

But with humans, change is very inevitable.

Even after you have discussed your dreams and aspirations with him at the beginning, you need to keep him updated about them every now and then, especially when they get updated from your own end.

And you need to stay up to date about his own dreams and aspirations.

As they come, get updated, and are fulfilled.

Discussing your dreams and aspirations helps you both to stay aligned and supportive of each other’s ambitions.

So you’re working on a daily basis to bring your dreams to a fulfillment.

You get to know the ways you can support each other to achieve the things your minds are set at.

3. Personal Interests and Hobbies

8 Things to Sort Before You Go into a Relationship

Dreams and aspirations are more long-term and serious.

But there are also other things your minds are set on your hobbies and interests.

Take the time to talk about your hobbies and interests.

Share with your husband your reasons for being interested in these things and the things he can do to make your hobbies even more endearing.

It is not just you who have interests and hobbies.

Your husband does, too.

So hear him out.

Encourage him to talk about them and listen to him as he does.

One of the things that strengthens the bond between couples is shared interests.

When you are able to share interests or hobbies with your husband, it builds a strong connection between you two..

It might also spark new things you both love to do.

So you get to do even more interesting and exciting things together.

4. Childhood Memories

8 Things to Sort Before You Go into a Relationship

What happened in your life when you were a child?

Some of these things still have ripple effects on you and have affected your behaviors even as a married adult.

Sharing these stories from your childhood can actually be a fun and nostalgic way to connect.

When you are telling your husband about an experience you had growing up and he had the exact same experience or something quite similar.

It creates this nostalgic excitement that even though you both are grown; you can still revisit each other’s childhood together.

These stories also reveal aspects of your personality and upbringing that your partner may not know about.

And how these upbringings have affected your life today as an adult.

It is such a beautiful way to connect for real.

5. Feelings and Emotions

8 Things to Sort Before You Go into a Relationship

I’m not sure your husband has super powers that can help him decipher what you’re feeling per time.

I mean, even if he had super powers, he’ll be using it to save the world, not deciphering your feelings.

So it is your duty to keep your husband continually updated about how you feel about different things at different times.

Talk to him about what makes you happy, what makes you afraid, your frustrations, your hopes, etc.

Give him the opportunity to see into you this is the real way to build intimacy.

And you should be open to hearing him talk to you about his own concerns at all times.

Sharing vulnerability is one of the strongest bonds that holds couples together.

6. Finances and Budgeting

8 Things to Sort Before You Go into a Relationship

Research has it that financial issues are one of the major challenges in marriages.

When couples are not as open about their finances as they should be, they are opening their marital doors to doubt and insecurities.

So you and your husband must have an open conversation about finances and budgeting if you want to avoid misunderstandings and if you are looking at planning for the future.

Talk about your financial goals, spending habits, and strategies for saving money.

Don’t make financial decisions without each other, and regularly adjust your budget to fit new needs and responsibilities.

Holding your spouse’s hands through your finances shows them that you trust them and respect them.

For emphasis sake: if you want to maintain peace and harmony in your marriage, try as much as possible to never make any financial decision without first talking to each other about it.

It keeps you both abreast of the financial developments in the home.

7. Intimacy and Romance

8 Things to Sort Before You Go into a Relationship

It is true that this is your husband, and he already knows what your intimate needs are,

But it is also true that as you grow, your needs may change.

You may begin to yearn for other ways to be satisfied.

Instead of allowing dissatisfaction and eventually resentment to creep into your marriage, talk to your husband about your intimate life and romantic needs.

It will help you both keep the spark alive.

Talk to him about the things that make you feel loved and cherished and be open about your desires and fantasies.

This will help you both maintain a strong emotional and physical connection.


You do not need to bombard your husband with these topics in a day.

You don’t even need to create a schedule for each of these topics.

Just bear them in mind and maybe revisit every now and then, then bring them up spontaneously.

Some of them will have to come daily, while others may come occasionally.

The bottom line is talk to your husband about the right things that will help build your connection with each other.