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7 Signs He Is Actually the Love of Your Life

7 Signs He Is Actually the Love of Your Life

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True love does not exist?

Or you’re the one attracting and being with a love you do not understand.

Just because you have spent your years in different relationships with people who did not truly love you does not mean that the concept of true love is a fallacy.

People have experienced and are still experiencing true love.

Maybe the reason you find it so difficult to find true love is that you do not give it.

Or maybe life has just been unfair to you, and even though you have invested a lot into finding true love, it just doesn’t seem to want to come your way.

Or is it possible that you do not even know that your partner is the actual love of your life?

Because I’ve had a conversation with a woman who had the best man and did not even know.

Some people are actually faced with this situation, and while I cannot exactly give you someone and tag them as the love of your life, I can help you – through this post – to know whether or not your man is really the love of your life.

7 Signs He Is Actually the Love of Your Life

1. He Makes You Feel Valued

7 Signs He Is Actually the Love of Your Life

I don’t know what works for y’all in your relationship but I think it is super important that your partner treats you so well that you feel like royalty around them.

I really don’t think you should be with a man who does not treat you like a queen.

One of the first ways you’ll know that this man is actually the love of your life is how he makes you feel.

You can easily tell that he truly loves you if he makes you feel so valued.

When you’re with him, you feel cherished, respected, and highly esteemed.

And even when he is not present with you, the residue of his honour stays with you.

He doesn’t take you for granted, and he consistently shows appreciation for who you are.

He does not have to be a man of many words; his actions speak for themselves.


2. Your Happiness is His Priority

7 Signs He Is Actually the Love of Your Life

Another way to know if you have found the love of your life is the fact that nothing else matters to him as much as your happiness.

He thinks about how something will affect his happiness before he makes a decision to do it or not.

True love means being able to put your partner’s happiness on par with your own.

If he consistently prioritizes your happiness and well-being as much as he does him, he truly cares about you.

He’ll show this in different ways, such as making sacrifices for you, listening to you when you need to rant, and being there whenever you need him.

These gestures may seem small, but they are what really matters when it comes to true love.


3. You Share a Deep Emotional Connection

7 Signs He Is Actually the Love of Your Life

You know emotional connection is deeper than physical attraction.

It’s not that thing you feel when you want to tear each other apart.

It is that deep-seated understanding of each and assurance that you got each other through thick and thin.

It is what allows your conversations to flow effortlessly, and lets you share your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Physical attraction is good.

It is what brings most people together.

But it is the emotional connection that will keep you together for the longest time.

He lets you into his vulnerability and accepts yours without judgment.

When you arrive at this kind of deep emotional connection with a man, you can tell yourself that you have met the love of your life.


4. He Supports Your Growth

7 Signs He Is Actually the Love of Your Life

A man who is truly the love of your life is all out for your growth and continuous improvement.

He wants to see you succeed at all times.

So he will continually encourage your growth and development.

He’ll call you wherever he sees an opening or opportunity that can be beneficial to you.

He will openly support your goals, ambitions, and personal growth.

Whatever kind of support you need and he can offer, he won’t hold back.

Whether you want him to cheer you on in your career, motivate you to pursue new hobbies, or provide you with the resources you need to complete a course, he’ll do it happily and gladly.

He’s not in the league of men who are threatened by their women’s growth and successes.

He is also not a party to the people who say that a woman’s place is in the kitchen and bedroom.

He sees all your potential and makes sure that you hone it to become the best version of yourself.


5. You Feel a Sense of Peace

7 Signs He Is Actually the Love of Your Life

Do you know that I actually refer to my man as “my peace of mind” in my local dialect?

It is because every time I think about him, a sense of peace fills my mind.

Whether I’m thinking about him he just crossed my mind, or we’re spending the day together.

Whenever I see him, physically or mentally, I see peace.

I think it is a legit way to prove that this man is the love of your life.

If you feel at peace and completely content with the life you share with him.

The relationship doesn’t bring unnecessary drama or stress into your life.

You’re assured of safety and security; calm and stability.

Everywhere is just smooth and soft.

You’re not fighting infidelity today and dishonesty tomorrow.

He respects you and makes sure you’re always at ease.


6. He Makes You a Better Person

7 Signs He Is Actually the Love of Your Life

I understand that relationships work differently for different people and that we all have different expectations for our relationships.

But I think that every healthy relationship must possess the ability to bring out the best in the partners.

It should be able to make you a better person in one way or another.

You can’t be with a man who is actually the love of your life and he does not inspire you to grow and be a better person.

To grow in character and in career.

To even learn to love him better.

And someone who is not inspired cannot inspire others.

So you draw strength from his good works, and the more you look at him, the better you become at the things you do.


7. He’s Your Best Friend

7 Signs He Is Actually the Love of Your Life

You know you have met the love of your life when you are dating your best friend.

Hear me out.

Some people are in a relationship but they have another best friend outside.

And it’s because their man does not function as their best friend.

Or they do not trust their man enough to bare themselves to him in that manner.

Because your best friend is someone you are not afraid to show your true self to.

Someone you can turn to for advice, comfort, and companionship.

You can share your laughter, secrets, and dreams with them.

If your man is the love of your life, he is easily your best friend, too.

This deep friendship just happens naturally and it forms the basis of your romantic relationship.


It’s such a beautiful thing to date someone who is actually the love of your life.

Having someone who values you and connects with you deeply.

So if your man fits our description here, you’ve found someone truly special.

Cherish him, nurture your relationship, and embrace the beautiful journey of love together.