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8 Strong Signs Your Ex Will Come Back

8 Strong Signs Your Ex Will Come Back

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I always like to tell people to leave a good impression on everyone you meet.

Including your ex.

Don’t leave them with hurts and pain that everytime they think of you, they remember the way you smashed their hearts.

You can date and end the relationship on very good terms.

Not all relationships will last forever, but you can make sure yours leaves a long-lasting good impression.

For some people, a break-up marks the end of every kind of interaction they had with their ex, while some people experience a rebound relationship with their ex after break up.

If you are looking for signs to tell you whether your ex will come back, it means you want your ex back in your life.

And that’s no trouble.

Some people build an amazing relationship together in a rebound.

To start with, breaking up is never an easy path to walk.

Especially when you really really loved your partner and wanted the relationship to stand.

So if you have maintained the hope that your ex might come back and your relationship will be revived, there are some signs you can look out for.

8 Strong Signs Your Ex Will Come Back

1. Frequent Communication

8 Signs Your Ex Will Come Back

Usually, when two people in a relationship end their relationship, they usually sever their lines of communication and keep away from talking to themselves.

You can’t move on from a person you have been in love with if you keep your line of communication open.

So if your communication line with your ex is open and active, chances are you both are not ready to move on.

If they continue to contact you, whether through calls, texts, or social media messages, that’s your green light.

They care about you and that’s why they keep talking to you.

They may begin with casual conversations here and there, but with time, they intensify them, showing their interest in returning to you.


2. Reminiscing About the Past

8 Signs Your Ex Will Come Back

Another way to know if your ex is interested in coming back is to listen to what they say to you during conversations.

You’ll notice they want to use the same communication language as you used to use when you were in a relationship.

The inside jokes and all.

Or they’ll randomly bring up memories of something you both shared.

Or send you pictures you both took together.

It shows that they are still emotionally connected to you.

You can bet it is a subtle way to tell you they miss those times and will want to recreate it with you.

Even when they are not bold enough to say it.


3. Maintaining Contact with Your Friends and Family

8 Signs Your Ex Will Come Back

Apart from people who are looking at reviving their relationship with their ex, do you keep a sound relationship and contact with your ex’s family and friends?

I’m not talking about mutual friends here.

I’m talking about their own friends who you only spoke with because of their relationship with your ex.

Do you end things, or do you keep the relationship?


If your ex continues to stay in touch with your friends or family, it’s a sign they’re not ready to sever all ties.

Keeping their connection with your family and friends somehow gives them a way to get into your life again.

You can check with friends and family; they may be checking up on you through them.

It’s a sign that they want a way back into your life.


4. Showing Signs of Jealousy

8 Signs Your Ex Will Come Back

If your ex has moved on or is trying to move on from you, they will not or try not to concern themselves with your relationships with other people.

And even if they get jealous when they see you with another person, they conceal their jealousy and act like they do not care.

When you see someone who is jealous of your relationship with other people and shows it, it is obvious that the person wants you to know that they are concerned with what goes on in your life.

So if your ex gets jealous when they see or hear about you spending time with someone else, it suggests they still have feelings for you and that they still care about what goes on in your life.

And this show of jealousy also shows that they have not moved on and are not ready to see you move on either.


5. Positive Changes in Their Life

There must be something that turned you off about your ex.

Even if you did not break up for that reason.

Many times, healthy people try to focus on personal growth and development after a breakup, so it won’t be a thing of concern if your ex decides to focus on their personal development after the breakup.

However, if they pay attention to fixing a particular habit or character that you used to frown at or repenting and turning away from the thing they did that resulted in the breakup, they are most likely striving to be a better person for you.

Especially if they are making it obvious that they are putting in the work to achieve this change.


6. Apologizing for Past Mistakes

8 Signs Your Ex Will Come Back

For many exes, their relationship and interactions with you end at break up.

Even when they were in the wrong, they’d rather sever the possibility of maintaining an acquaintance with you than admit their wrongdoing or apologize for it.

Some people actually come back to apologize when they realize they’ve been in the wrong without wanting to get back together.

But an apology can signify an ex’s intention to come back.

You’ll know when they come based on their choice of words and their manner of approaching the apology.

Whether they want to get back or not, coming back to apologize for their wrongs shows a sound level of maturity.


7. Initiating Plans to Meet Up

8 Signs Your Ex Will Come Back

Just like with communication, if your ex is set to move on after a break-up, they try as much as possible to keep away from physical contact with you.

I see people go as far as relocating from the community or city where they stayed because their ex lives there too.

Just to help them focus on their lives and move on.

So when you see your ex frequently suggesting that you both meet up, or they are checking to see if you will attend an event they are attending and all that stuff, you can tell that they are not ready to move on.

They are probably also working towards taking you out on dates like they used to before the break-up.


8. Complimenting You Often

8 Signs Your Ex Will Come Back

Is your ex always on your story, checking out the new things you got and raining compliments?

“That is a beautiful hairdo. Suits you perfectly.”

“Love it that your face card never declines.”

“Your new haircut is so clean.”

Most likely, they are looking for a way back into your life.

Compliments are a way of expressing admiration and attraction.

And sometimes, interest.

Shows that the person complimenting you has an interest in you.

So, frequent compliments from your ex about your appearance, achievements, or personality show that they still hold you in high regard and could mean that they have not lost interest in you.


The fact that your ex wants to come back to you or that you want your ex back into your life does not mean that you both will be able to achieve a healthy relationship together.

So you must be careful.

Take into consideration what caused the breakup in the first place and the chances that coming back is a healthy choice for you and your partner.

I feel like it will be somehow if you break up with one person for the same reason twice.

So keep your senses intact and make decisions that prioritize your mental health.