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8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

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The other day, I was just reminiscing about the days when social media was a safe place free of toxicity and negativity. 

People built solid relationships on social media and there was no fear of being dragged or bullied by anyone. 

And as I thought of those days, I remembered that we barely had people who were content creators. 

Most of the social media apps were not monetized and people did not have the pressing need to share all the unnecessary details of their lives with the public. 

But we have found ourselves in an age where sharing every detail of our lives on social media is the norm, and people are now forgetting the value of privacy. 

Especially as people who have laid their lives bare are getting recognition, applause, and support 

The idea of keeping certain aspects of our lives private might seem old-fashioned, but it’s more relevant now than ever. 

The social media is no longer a safe place. 

Some people are sharing their lives, and other people are doing everything possible to bring them down. 

There’s a fine line between being open and oversharing, and crossing it can have unintended consequences.

Here are some things you should always keep private about your life. 

8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

1. Financial Details

8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

Your financial status is a deeply personal matter. 

You don’t want to go around telling people about your finances

I know of a lady who was always posting her earnings on social media and talking about her finances.

One day, she got robbed. 

I may be wrong to think that the robbers were motivated by her frequent posts, but one thing is sure: when you bring your finances to the public, you expose it to being publicized. 

People who have no business with your life will begin to judge you or give you unsolicited advice based on your finances.

It could also make you a target for scams or theft.

Even in relationships, finances is a sensitive subject that can cause a strain.

Couples need to take extra caution to have the money talk.

So yes, you need to keep your financial situation private so that you can protect yourself from unnecessary stress and maintain a sense of security.

2. Family Issues

8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

I literally just watched the video of a woman whose social media followers went to dig up her family’s contact to harass them. 

When I went a bit deeper into the story, I discovered that she had brought her family’s issues to the Internet and her followers were only reacting to what she said about her family. 

Every family has its ups and downs even the family that looks so perfect to you. 

Airing your family’s dirty laundry in public can do more harm than good. 

The best thing you can do for yourself is to keep your family problems within the family

It is easy for you to be reconciled with your family; but the impression you’ve created in the minds of others about your family may never go away. 

Keeping your family matters private helps maintain respect and unity within the family and prevents outsiders from meddling in situations they don’t fully understand.

3. Relationship Struggles

8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

If there’s one thing I appreciate about myself,I think it would be my ability to keep my relationship life private. 

I’m so private with my relationship life that I’d been in a relationship for years and got out and my social circle didn’t even know I was in a relationship.

Doing this has helped me focus on my relationships and build them to be the healthiest they can be. 

It has also helped me shut out unsolicited advice and opinions about my relationship. 

Truth is, relationships can be really complicated

And every couple goes through rough patches. Publicizing your relationship struggles would only lead to unwanted opinions, further complications, or even damage the relationship beyond repair. 

There are people out there who are angry and miserable and are just looking for the first thing to pour their frustrations on. 

You may encounter this set of people and end up destroying what would have been a very beautiful relationship

Keeping your relationship private also helps you minimize regrets, as a greater percentage of the decisions you’ll be taking in your relationship will be your own idea for which you can take responsibility. 

4. Health Concerns

8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

Your health is a personal matter, and not everyone needs to know the details.

If you need to talk about your health challenges, please see a doctor. 

By extension and for the sake of necessity, talk to your family and people in your personal circle about it. 

Other than that, nobody really needs the information about your health status. 

You’ll share your health challenges with people who are self-made physicians and they’ll prescribe treatment for you that may leave you worse than before. 

Or diagnose you of something that does not exist within you and move you into unnecessary depression. 

Be very selective about who you share your health concerns with. 

Especially the details of it. 

Keeping your health issues private allows you to handle them on your own terms and prevents the unnecessary stress that comes from outside opinions.

5. Good Deeds

8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

We’re currently in the era of content creation where there’s a content creator on almost every street. 

And because of the need to keep up, they begin to film every part of their lives as content, including their good deeds. 

When I see people post every good thing they do on social media, I wonder if they’re doing the good for humanity’s sake or for the need to create content and the applause they get from the online community. 

Doing good deeds is commendable, and maybe there are some people who do not broadcast their good deeds for content but for other good reasons. 

But the truth is, true kindness doesn’t seek recognition. 

When you keep your good deeds private, you demonstrate humility and integrity. 

The joy of helping others is a reward in itself for true givers, and you don’t need public approval to validate your actions. 

Keeping your good deeds private will also inspire others to do the same without feeling the need for praise or acknowledgment.

6. Intimate Details of Your Love Life

8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

Your love life is your business, and we truly do not need the details of your intimate life. 

I can’t tell you not to celebrate your relationship and share some details of your relationship with the public, but you should know that there’s something called TMI (Too Much Information). 

Keep your ring light and camera outside your bedroom, please. 

Apart from the fact that we do not need the information, sharing too much can make you vulnerable to criticism, envy, or even unwanted attention. 

It is just best to keep these details between you and your partner. 

Maintaining privacy in your love life helps you maintain a healthy, respectful relationship and protects your personal boundaries.

7. Mistakes and Regrets

8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

Everyone makes mistakes, and we all have regrets. 

Whatever mistake you have made and whatever regrets you have, it is for you to learn from and work towards becoming a better person. 

It is not for public consumption. 

When you share your past mistakes or regrets with the public, you are giving them the opportunity to take advantage of it to your downfall. 

People who have done worse things than you would have the boldness to judge you and say all manner of things about you. 

And even when you have grown past that mistake, it will be difficult for some persons to not define you by the mistakes you have made. 

You truly do not owe the public this piece of information. 

It is your duty to protect yourself from unnecessary scrutiny and focus on personal growth without external interference.

8. Passwords and Security Information

8 Things You Should Always Keep Private About Your Life

This might seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning for people who may have missed it. 

Your passwords, PINs, and other security information should always be kept private. Sharing this information, even with people you trust, can lead to identity theft, fraud, or unauthorized access to your accounts. 

You can’t know people completely, so you must be vigilant about protecting your digital security. 

Always use strong, unique passwords and avoid sharing them with anyone. 

Also use the authentication options provided by most apps to keep your data secured.

When you keep your security information private, you have one less thing to worry about – cyber threats.


Our world today encourages oversharing, but it is the same people of this

world that would do everything to bring you down. 

Keeping your privacy is a valuable asset.